Máster Universitario en Biodiversidad Terrestre y Conservación en Islas (2023 - 2024)


Departamento: Botánica, Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal
Área de conocimiento: Botánica
Teléfono/s: 922316502 ext 6517
Correos electrónicos: jpatino@ull.es
Asignaturas que imparte en la ULL:
Web personal: http://www.campusvirtual.ull.es
Categoría profesional: Investigador/a
Formación académica fundamental: 2010. Ph.D. Biology, Department of Plant Biology (Botany), University of La Laguna. Ecological effects of human disturbances in cloud forests in the Canary Islands. Essay with bryophyte communities. Supervisors: Dr Juana M. González-Mancebo, and Dr Olaf Werner.
2006. M.Sc. Biology, Department of Plant Biology (Botany), University of La Laguna. Influence of forest age and structure on epiphyte bryophytes in laurel forests (Breña Baja, La Palma). Supervisors: Dr Juana M. González-Mancebo, and Dr José M. Fernández-Palacios.
2003. Official national teaching certificate (CAP: ‘Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica). Biology, ‘Complutense’ University of Madrid. 2003.
2002. B.Sc. Biology, Botany, University of La Laguna. 1999-2002.
Breve currículo profesional genérico: My MSc and PhD research at University of La Laguna focused on the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on species and genetic diversity of laurel forest bryophyte communities. After my PhD, I was a visiting researcher at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to initiate a research line on island macroecology. In January 2011, I moved to the University of Liege as a post-doctoral fellow of the Belgian Science Foundation (FNRS) for a period of almost four years to work on biogeography and evolution of cryptogams on islands. As of January 2016 until September 2017, I was a ‘Juan de la Cierva – Incorporación’ researcher at the Island Ecology and Evolution Research Group at Institute of Natural Products and Agrobiology, where in collaboration with Dr. B.C. Emerson, I was both leading and developing genomic technologies for the study of biodiversity. In September 2017, I started a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Global Fellowship, affiliated to the IPNA-CSIC in Spain and the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management at University of California, Berkeley in USA. More recently, in September 2018, I have been awarded with a "Ramon y Cajal award" at the University of La Laguna.
Breve currículo investigador: I have published 85 scientific articles, with 65 of those papers having been published in journals included in the Scientific Citation Index (SCI). I have presented ca. 37 contributions at conferences and given 11 invited talks. I have participated in 12 competitive grants funded by national organisms, being PI in one (15,000€). Recently, I have been funded with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Global Fellowship, and in September 2018, I started a new position as a Ramon y Cajal researcher at the University of La Laguna. Finally, I would like to highlight my involvement in teaching and mentoring, including the co-supervision of 2 PhD and 3 MSc students with Prof. A. Vanderpoorten, one PhD and one MSc student with Prof. J.M. González-Mancebo, along with two PhD students with Dr. B. Emerson and two MSc students on my own. At the University of La Laguna, I have been involved and taught lessons in subjects of the Master Program called Terrestrial Biodiversity and Island Conservation, as well in subjects for undergraduates such as Projects in Biology and Flora and Vegetation of the Canary Islands, among others. I have got positive evaluations for “Profesor Contratado Doctor” (assistant professor) by the ANECA.
Líneas de investigación: Biogeografía insular - Island Biogeography
Conservación insular - Island Conservation
Biología evolutiva de islas - Evolutionary Biology on islands
Taxonomía y Sistemática de plantas - Plant Taxonomy and Systematics
Portal del investigador: Enlace al Portal de la Investigación
Fecha de la última modificación: 17-07-2019
Tutorías primer cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora incialHora finalLocalizaciónPlantaDespacho
Todo el cuatrimestre Miércoles 11:00 14:00 Facultad de Farmacia - AN.3E Área de Botánica
Observaciones: Despacho en el Área de Botánica - Planta Alta
Tutorías segundo cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora incialHora finalLocalizaciónPlantaDespacho
Todo el cuatrimestre Miércoles 11:00 14:00 Facultad de Farmacia - AN.3E Área de Botánica
Tutorías primer cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora inicialHora finalTipo de tutoríaMedio o canal de comunicación
Tutorías segundo cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora inicialHora finalTipo de tutoríaMedio o canal de comunicación
Todo el cuatrimestre Miércoles 11:00 14:00 asistencial; foro AVI, email jpatino@ull.edu.es
Todo el cuatrimestre Viernes 11:00 14:00 asistencial; foro AVI, email jpatino@ull.edu.es