Graduado/a en Matemáticas (2018 - 2019)
Departamento: | Análisis Matemático |
Área de conocimiento: | Análisis Matemático |
Teléfono/s: | 922319098 |
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Categoría profesional: | Profesor/a Titular de Universidad | |
Formación académica fundamental: | Licenciado en Matemáticas Junio 1984 Doctor en Matemáticas 14/12/1989 |
Breve currículo profesional genérico: | Profesor Titular de Universidad (30/04/1992) | |
Breve currículo investigador: | Fariña, J.C.: Lipschitz approximation on closed sets, J. Analyse Math., 57 (1991), 152-171. Bonilla, A. y Fariña, J.C.: Meromorphic and holomorphic approximation in -norm, J. Math. Analysis and Applications, 181 (1994), 132-149. Bonilla, A. y Fariña, J.C.: Meromorphic and entire approximation in BMO-norm, J. Approx. Theory, 76 (1994), 203-218. Bonilla, A. y Fariña, J.C.: Uniform approximtion by solutions of elliptic equations with continuous extensión to the boundary, Complex Variables, Theory Appl., 28 (1995), 111-120. Boivin, A., Bonilla, A. and Fariña, J.C.: Meromorphic approximation in weighted , Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 95A (1995), 47-64. Betancor, J., Fariña, J.C. and Llorente, J.G.: Axiomatic Potential Theory, asymptotic values and elliptic differential operators, Potential Analysis, 12 2 (2000), 115-146. Bonilla, A. and Fariña, J.C.: Lip harmonic approximation on closed sets, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 129 9 (2001), 2741-2752. Betancor, J.J., Fariña, J.C.: A note on compactness of commutators for fractional integrals associated with nondoubling measures, Z. Anal. Anwend. 26 (2007), no. 3, 331--339. Betancor, J.J., Fariña, J.C., Martínez, T. and Torrea, J.L..: Riesz transform and $g$-function associated with Bessel operators and their appropriate Banach spaces, Israel J. Math. 157 (2007), 259--282. Betancor,JJ., Buraczewski, D., Fariña, J.C., Martínez, T., Torrea, J.L.:Riesz transforms related to Bessel operators, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 137 (2007), no. 4, 701--725. Betancor,J.J., Fariña, J.C., Martínez, T., Rodríguez-Mesa, L.: Higher order Riesz transforms associated with Bessel operators, Ark. Mat., 56 (2008), 219-250. Betancor, J. J., Fariña, J. C. , Rodríguez-Mesa, L ,Sanabria, A: Transferring boundeeness from Riesz Transform associated to Jacobi, Laguerre and Fourier-Bessel expansions to Riesz Transform in the Hankel setting, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 14 (2008), no. 4, 493--513. J.J. Betancor, J.C. Fariña y A. Sanabria: On Littlewood-Paley functions associated with Bessel operators, Glasgow Math. J., 51 (2009), 55-70. J.J. Betancor, A. Chicco Ruiz, J.C. Fariña y L. Rodríguez-Mesa: Maximal operators, Riesz transforms and Littlewood-Paley functions associated with Bessel operators on BMO, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 363, 1 (2010), 310-326. J.J. Betancor, J.C. Fariña, L. Rodríguez-Mesa, R. Testoni y J.L. Torrea: Sobolev spaces associated with ultraspherical expansions, Publ. Mat. 54 (2010), 221–242. Betancor J.J.; Farina J.C.; Rodriguez-Mesa L.; Sanabria A.; Torrea J.L.Lusin type and cotype for Laguerre g-functions .Israel Journal of Mathematics.182 - 1,pp. 1 - 30.2011. J.J. Betancor, A. Chicco Ruiz, J.C. Fariña y L. Rodríguez-Mesa.: Odd BMO(R) functions and Carleson measures in the Bessel setting, aparecerá en Integral equations and operator theory. J.J. Betancor, J.C.Fariña, L. Rodríguez-Mesa y A Sanabria.: Higher order Riesz transforms for Laguerre expansions, preprint. Betancor J.J.; Farina J.C.; Rodriguez-Mesa L.; Testoni R.Higher Order Riesz Transforms in the Ultraspherical Setting as Principal Value Integral Operators.Integral Equations and Operator Theory.70- 4,pp. 511 - 539.2011 Betancor J.J.; Farina J.C.; Rodriguez-Mesa L.; Testoni R.; Torrea J.L.Fractional square functions and potential spaces.Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.386 - 2,pp.487-504. (2012) Betancor J.J.; Farina J.C.; Rodriguez-Mesa L.Hardy-littlewood and UMD banach lattices via Bessel convolution operators.Journal of Operator Theory.67 - 2,pp. 349 - 368.2012. Betancor J.J.; Castro A.J.; Curbelo J.; Farina J.C.; Rodriguez-Mesa .Gamma-Radonifying operators and UMD-valued Littlewood-Paley-Stein functions in the Hermite setting on BMO and Hardy spaces.Journal of Functional Analysis.263 - 12,pp. 3804 - 3856.2012. Betancor, Jorge J.; Fariña, Juan C.; Harboure, Eleonor; Rodríguez-Mesa, Lourdes; Variation Operators for Semigroups and Riesz Transforms on BMO in the Schrödinger Setting. Potential Anal. 38 (2013), no. 3, 711–739 Almeida, Víctor; Betancor, Jorge J.; Castro, Alejandro J.; Fariña, Juan C.; Rodríguez-Mesa, Lourdes BMO functions and balayage of Carleson measures in the Bessel setting. Rev. Mat. Complut. 32 (2019), no. 1, 57–98. Betancor, Jorge J.; Castro, Alejandro J.; Fariña, Juan C.; Rodríguez-Mesa, L.Conical square functions associated with Bessel, Laguerre and Schrödinger operators in UMD Banach spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 447 (2017), no. 1, 32–75. Betancor, Jorge J.; Castro, Alejandro J.; Fariña, Juan C.; Rodríguez-Mesa, Lourdes UMD Banach spaces and square functions associated with heat semigroups for Schrödinger, Hermite, and Laguerre operators. Math. Nachr. 289 (2016), no. 4, 410–435. Betancor, Jorge J.; Fariña, Juan C.; Rodríguez-Mesa, Lourdes; Testoni, Ricardo; Torrea, José L. Fractional square functions and potential spaces, II. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 31(2015), no. 11, 1759–1774. Betancor, Jorge J.; Castro, Alejandro J.; Fariña, Juan C.; Rodríguez-Mesa, L.Solutions of Weinstein equations representable by Bessel Poisson integrals of BMO functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 431 (2015), no. 1, 440–470. Betancor, J. J.; Fariña, J. C.; Sanabria, A. Vector valued multivariate spectral multipliers, Littlewood-Paley functions, and Sobolev spaces in the Hermite setting. Monatsh. Math. 176(2015), no. 2, 165–195. Betancor, J. J.; Castro, A. J.; Curbelo, J.; Fariña, J. C.; Rodríguez-Mesa, L.Square functions in the Hermite setting for functions with values in UMD spaces. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 193 (2014), no. 5, 1397–1430. Betancor, J. J.; Castro, A. J.; De Nápoli, P. L.; Fariña, J. C.; Rodríguez-Mesa, L.Weak type (1,1) estimates for Caffarelli-Calderón generalized maximal operators for semigroups associated with Bessel and Laguerre operators. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), no. 1, 251–261. Betancor, Jorge J.; Crescimbeni, Raquel; Fariña, Juan C.; Stinga, Pablo Raúl; Torrea, José L. A T1 criterion for Hermite-Calderón-Zygmund operators on the BMOH(Rn) space and applications. Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 12 (2013), no. 1, 157–187. Betancor, Jorge J.; Crescimbeni, Raquel; Fariña, Juan C.; Rodríguez-Mesa, Lourdes Multipliers and imaginary powers of the Schrödinger operators characterizing UMD Banach spaces. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 38 (2013), no. 1, 209–227. Betancor, J. J.; Fariña, J. C.; Harboure, E.; Rodríguez-Mesa, L. Lp-boundedness properties of variation operators in the Schrödinger setting. Rev. Mat. Complut. 26 (2013), no. 2, 485–534. | |
Líneas de investigación: | Análisis Armónico. Funciones de una variable compleja: Aproximación. | |
Portal del investigador: | Enlace al Portal de la Investigación |
Fecha de la última modificación: 13-04-2019
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