PhD in Law

Indicators and results of the title

Data extracted from the ULL information system and expected results of the degree verification/modification report.

The SGIC has specific procedures for collecting satisfaction from the various groups participating in the programs, and their implementation is structured at the institutional level. The Technical Quality Unit, in collaboration with the centers/programs and other stakeholders, is responsible for the management, planning, and comprehensive implementation of the satisfaction surveys that respond to the institutional assessment and quality programs (ACREDITA, AUDIT, DOCENTIA, etc.). Satisfaction survey campaigns for the various stakeholder groups (students, faculty, graduates, external tutors (potential employers), etc.) are conducted periodically and systematically.

Data extracted from the ULL information system.

The main instruments the university uses to collect data on graduates' job placement are quantitative figures corresponding to the analysis of job placement data obtained from the study of affiliations to the various Social Security regimes and the General Mutual Fund for Civil Servants of the State (MUFACE), which is supplemented with data from the population register and the ULL enrolment database.

The job placement results for the doctoral programs will be presented once the cross-referencing of data up to the 2018/19 graduation cohort is available (employment data provided by the responsible agencies of the Canary Islands Government): ISTAC).

The job placement results can be consulted below:

Programs related to orientation professional, he entrepreneurship and the job placement (Job offers, scholarships, etc.) can be consulted on the website of the General Foundation of the University of La Laguna: