Internal Quality Assurance System
Internal Quality Assurance System
The Internal Quality Assurance System for the Degree (SAIC) -) includes the procedures established in Royal Decree 99/2011, providing a specific response to the provisions of Royal Decree 822/2021, regarding the mechanisms linked to the evaluation processes:
Evaluation and quality of official qualifications
Monitoring PhD students and their results
Quality assurance of mobility programmes
Analysis of job placement/employability of doctoral students
Analysis of satisfaction with the training received
Attention to claims, complaints and suggestions
Coordination between participating universities
Publication of information about the program, its development and results
Through the mechanisms and procedures established in the SAIC, the collection and continuous analysis of information and results relevant to the effective management of the degree is guaranteed, based on the Official Doctoral Studies Regulations of the ULL (BOULL of March 22, 2024) and the Doctoral Studies Regulations of the ULPGC (BOULPGC of January 27, 2023), the collection and continuous analysis of information and results relevant to the effective management of the degree is guaranteed, as well as the participation of the interest groups. (the link is fine)
In order to unify evaluation criteria for monitoring the internal quality of the doctoral program, the coordinating university (ULL) will be the one to apply the approved protocols linked to said SAIC.