PhD Program in Educational Sciences

Academic Commission and Coordination

The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Education Sciences by the ULL and the ULPGC, according to the Doctoral Studies Regulations of both universities, will be composed of a maximum of nine professors and/or researchers participating in the programme, including the academic coordinator, who will be appointed by the rector of the ULL, who will act as its president.

The other eight members of the Academic Committee will belong, four to the ULL and four to the ULPGC, and will be chosen from among and by the teaching staff and/or researchers incorporated into the Program. The Academic Committee must include at least one member from each line of research for each university that forms part of the Doctoral Program in Educational Sciences by the ULL and the ULPGC.

Members of the Academic Committee who are professors or researchers must meet the same requirements established to be a thesis director in the corresponding Doctoral Program.

In addition, representatives of entities external to the Doctoral Programme that collaborate in its development may join the Academic Committee as guest members, in a number not exceeding three. If necessary, a rotating system of designation of representatives by external entities will be established, who will have voice but no vote. Some external entities collaborating with the Canary Islands public universities are Island Councils, Hospitals and Formal and Non-Formal Education Centres of the Canary Islands. The representatives that these institutions send as guest members to the Academic Committee must have a doctorate degree.

Jose Juan Castro Sanchez (ULPGC)

Patricia Arnaiz Castro (ULPGC)

Juan Luis Nunez Alonso (ULPGC)

Eduardo Quevedo Gutierrez (ULPGC)

Other Commissions

You can consult the commissions linked to the degree by accessing the corresponding section of the website of the School of Doctorate and Postgraduate Studies.