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Access and Admission Criteria

1. In general, to access an official doctoral program, it will be necessary to hold official Spanish bachelor's degrees, or equivalent, and a university master's degree, or equivalent, provided that at least 300 ECTS credits have been obtained from both courses combined.

2. Likewise, those who are in any of the following situations may access:

  • Hold official Spanish university degrees or equivalent Spanish degrees, provided they have earned at least 300 ECTS credits in all of these courses and have achieved Level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
  • Hold a degree obtained in accordance with foreign education systems belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), without the need for recognition, that accredits level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework, provided that said degree qualifies for access to doctoral studies in the country of issue. This admission will not, under any circumstances, imply recognition of the applicant's previous degree or its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies.
  • Hold a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems outside the EHEA, without the need for its homologation, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of education equivalent to that of the official Spanish master's degree and that it qualifies for access to doctoral studies in the country where the degree was issued. This admission will not imply, under any circumstances, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party or its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies. The procedure for starting this application can be found at this link. link.
  • Be in possession of another doctoral degree.
  • University graduates who, after obtaining a training place in the corresponding entrance exam for specialized healthcare training places, have successfully completed at least two years of training in a program leading to an official degree in one of the Health Sciences specialties, will also be eligible to apply.
  • In addition to meeting the general admission requirements, all applicants must meet the specific requirements that each doctoral program may establish and mark as mandatory for admission (such as the type of degree required, minimum subject knowledge, language requirements, etc.). These requirements can be found on the website of the doctoral program you wish to pursue.
  • In any case, the endorsement of a researcher who is the director and tutor of the doctoral thesis will always be requested. Failure to present this endorsement will result in exclusion from the procedure.
  • Admission to doctoral programs may include the requirement of specific training supplements, which must be completed (whenever possible) during the first academic year.
  • At least 5 % places are reserved for students with a recognized disability level equal to or greater than 33 %, as well as for students with permanent special educational needs associated with personal disability circumstances who, in their previous studies, have required resources and support for their full educational normalization.


We are working to resolve the issue that is preventing admission and registration for the Doctoral Program in Educational Sciences. The information on the website will be updated next Wednesday, January 29th, and the pre-registration process will have a new schedule and deadlines. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Address: Astrophysicist Francisco Sanchez, SN. Calabaza Building – AN.2D P.O. Box 456 38200 San Cristobal de La Laguna
Phone: (+34) 922 31 72 67 / 922 31 72 69
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/Appointment / Procedure for complaints, suggestions and compliments