Government Pavilion, C/ Padre Herrera s/n
PO Box 456
38200, San Cristobal de La Laguna
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
Tel. Switchboard: (+34) 922 31 90 00
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The doctoral thesis will consist of an original research work prepared by the candidate in any field of knowledge. The thesis must enable the doctoral candidate to work independently in the field of R&D&I.
The thesis may be developed and, where appropriate, defended, in the languages commonly used for scientific communication in the field of knowledge.
Art. 13 of RD 99/2011, of January 28, regulating official doctoral studies and art. 23 of the Regulations on Official Doctoral Studies at the ULL (Approved at the Governing Council meeting on March 22, 2024).
The title of Doctor may include the mention “International Doctorate” on the front, provided that the following circumstances apply:
That, during the training period necessary to obtain the doctorate degree, the doctoral candidate has completed one or more stays (always of at least one month) whose combined duration is at least three months outside Spain in a prestigious higher education institution or research centre, pursuing studies or carrying out research work.
The stay and activities must be endorsed by the thesis supervisor and authorized by the academic committee, and will be incorporated into the doctoral student's activities document.
Requirements 1 and 3 must be completed before submitting the thesis. These procedures are carried out through the electronic office: Prior procedures to request the international mention in the title of Doctor
Those doctoral students who, prior to submitting their thesis and with the express authorization of their supervisor, have published or accepted for publication (with DOI) a minimum of three articles with a thematic unit that are within the framework of their research plan after their enrollment in the doctoral program may opt to present their thesis in the form of a compilation of publications.
The presentation of a thesis under this modality must adhere to the following indications:
The “Industrial Doctorate” mention will be awarded provided the following requirements are met:
The duties of ULL doctoral students include consulting with the EDEP on any issue that may have an impact on intellectual or industrial property rights, without prejudice to the specific obligations in this regard that may arise in cases such as the industrial mention.
When it is estimated that the thesis work contains results that may be protected through any of the industrial property rights, the doctoral student must communicate this situation to the Knowledge Transfer Office (OTC) of the University of La Laguna before starting the deposit procedure.
The OTC will determine whether the work is eligible for protection via industrial property and, in the event that the novelty requirement is at risk with its presentation, its defense and reading will be proposed by applying the procedures established by the ULL for the presentation of works for protection of results. This decision will be communicated to the EDEP at the time of the start of the deposit.
By resolution of the rector of the ULL, dated December 19, 2013, on the granting of the cum laude mention In doctoral theses, the EDEP will make public the list of defended theses that deserve this mention.
The requirements for international co-supervision at the University of La Laguna are established in the Regulations for the completion of doctoral theses under an international co-supervision regime (approved at the session of the Governing Council on March 22, 2024).
Within the framework of doctoral studies, a joint supervision procedure for doctoral theses can be developed between the ULL and foreign universities, with the aim of creating and developing scientific cooperation between research teams from both institutions.
A thesis under international co-supervision is understood to be the completion of a doctoral thesis in any field of knowledge, directed by research staff from two or more universities or higher education institutions, one Spanish and the others foreign. The thesis may be submitted for defence at one of the universities or higher education institutions, and upon successful completion, the title of doctor may be awarded by all universities or institutions.
After completing the thesis, and with the approval of his/her supervisors, the doctoral student will submit it electronically to the EDEP so that it can be processed in accordance with the requirements of Articles 24 and 26 of the ULL Doctoral Regulations.
In order to process the application, the doctoral student must be enrolled in the corresponding academic year.
In any case, and prior to the presentation and defense of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral candidate must justify the acceptance or publication of at least one scientific contribution derived from the thesis with the following details:
Likewise, the doctoral candidate must demonstrate that he or she has acquired the necessary skills and, to do so, he or she must justify that he or she has presented and defended part of his or her research work in public on at least two occasions.
One of these presentations can be made at a seminar of the department, or at one organized by the doctoral program or the EDEP. However, at least one of these presentations must be made at a conference, seminar or congress of national or international prestige.
The submission procedure consists of two procedures at the headquarters: one for the management of the mandatory reports from external evaluators and another for the proposal of the tribunal and the processing of the public presentation.
Below you will find an informative guide with all the details.
Address: Astrophysicist Francisco Sanchez, SN. Calabaza Building – AN.2D P.O. Box 456 38200 San Cristobal de La Laguna
Phone: (+34) 922 31 72 67 / 922 31 72 69
On-line: Web page /Appointment / Procedure for complaints, suggestions and compliments