PhD Program in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Gender is currently an area of innovation in science and technology. The PhD in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies is a novel initiative in the Spanish university scene, as it has no precedents in Spanish universities. It is a proposal that responds to and satisfies the demand generated by the scientific policy developed, for more than a decade, by the European Union and by Spanish legislation that necessarily and urgently requires adequate training at the highest academic level. It is an interuniversity PhD in which, in addition to the University of La Laguna, the University of Alicante, the University of Alcalá, the University of the Balearic Islands, the University of Huelva, the Jaume I University of Castellón, the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Autonomous University of Madrid, which is the University that coordinates the Doctoral Program, participate.
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Publication of the call for Extraordinary Doctoral Awards of the University of La Laguna for Theses defended in the academic year 2021/2022
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The ULL Doctorate Program in Health Sciences joins a prestigious international network
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The ULL School of Doctoral Studies and Postgraduate Studies invites its students to the Doctoral Information Day
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The expert in robotic surgery
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Robotic surgery expert Manuel Gómez Fleitas closed the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine