PhD in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies

Access and admission


Once approved, the Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies will have a specific website that will offer all the relevant information for new students, aimed at attracting national and international students, both from Europe and Latin America. There will also be an email address that interested parties can use to request specific information about the programme.
The Academic Committee will carry out the following actions to inform and disseminate the program:

  • Information sessions for undergraduate and master's students.
  • Dissemination at scientific meetings and fairs at national and international level
  • Preparation of an informative brochure with detailed information on the research lines, the teaching staff and the annual programming of the training activities of the programme.
  • Information through social networks
  • Information through the collaboration networks that the participating faculty in the Program have established with universities, institutes and research groups, both national and international.

In the pre-registration phase, direct communication with candidates will be carried out through the staff of the Graduate Studies Center of the participating Universities.

The programme will annually carry out information work on its website aimed at attracting international students. In addition, in order to encourage the recruitment of students from other countries, it will periodically invite and publicise international universities and research centres regarding scientific and training activities (seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.) linked to the programme.

Welcome and orientation for new students:

Students interested in the PhD program in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies can access information regarding access and admission requirements through the official website of the universities involved in the agreement. Students enrolled in the program will be received on their first day by the person in charge of coordinating the doctorate at their university. The coordinator will introduce them to the rest of the staff, explain the university's procedures, and put them in contact with the doctorate management office for any subsequent requirements related to the program.

The procedure for the reception and orientation of new students is regulated by Royal Decree 861/2010 of 2 July, which modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 21 October, which establishes the regulations for official university education and specifies the obligation of Spanish universities to have accessible information systems and procedures for the reception and orientation of new students.

In response to this requirement, all universities participating in this program offer information and guidance to new students as detailed below in each of the participating universities.

The website of the University of La Laguna contains information on all the doctorates taught at the University of La Laguna. In addition to being within a specific tab on the website, access to the doctorate is very visible on the ULL home page.

The ULL also produces information brochures on all the doctorates it offers and also provides information about them through screens that are located in very visible places in all the ULL Faculties and Centres. In addition, specific information about this doctorate will be provided to students studying the Master's Degree in Gender Studies and Equality Policies at the ULL, as well as through the website of the University Institute for Women's Studies at the ULL.

At the ULL, information on the doctorate is very visible and easily accessible (you can get there directly from the ULL home page). By clicking on the link mentioned, the information on Access and Enrolment in Doctoral Studies appears very clearly.

In addition to obtaining basic information from this link, a specific link is provided where information is provided on Access and Admission to the Official Doctoral Programme for new students. There is also a window with direct access to the ULL electronic headquarters, where you can carry out multiple procedures electronically, and access various services and information of interest.

On the Doctorate tab of the ULL website there are several information pages on all the procedures required to complete a doctoral thesis, as well as the necessary forms. Of particular importance for new students may be the page containing all the regulations for doctoral studies.

In general, for access and admission to doctoral studies, the provisions of articles 6 and 7 of Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies, as well as the regulations of the Official Doctoral Studies of each of the participating universities, will apply.

For the purposes of the coordinating university, the regulations corresponding to the UAM can be consulted on the following page


1. In general, to gain access it will be necessary to be in possession of official Spanish Bachelor's degrees (or equivalent) and a Master's degree.

2.Also, those who are in any of the following situations may have access:

a) Be in possession of an official Spanish university degree, or one from another country that is part of the European Higher Education Area, which qualifies for access to a Master's degree in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, and have passed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in the set of official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at Master's level.

b) Be in possession of an official Spanish degree of Graduate, the duration of which, in accordance with Community Law regulations, is at least 300 ECTS credits. These graduates must take the compulsory training courses referred to in article 7.2 of this regulation, unless the study plan of the corresponding degree includes research training credits, equivalent in training value to the research credits from Master's studies.

c) University graduates who have successfully completed at least two years of training in a program to obtain an official degree in one of the specialties in Health Sciences.

d) Possession of a qualification obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems, without the need for homologation, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish Master's degree and that it qualifies the applicant for access to doctoral studies in the country that issued the qualification. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous qualification held by the applicant or its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies.

e) Be in possession of the Diploma of Advanced Studies obtained in accordance with the provisions of RD 778/98, of April 30, or have achieved Research Sufficiency as regulated by RD 185/85, of January 23.

f) Be in possession of another Spanish Doctorate degree obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.

Students who meet the admission requirements detailed above may be admitted to the Doctoral programme. The Academic Coordination Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, whose composition is detailed in section 5.2, will analyse the applications for admission by assessing the following aspects and merits. The specific weight, in percentage terms, of each of the admission criteria that will be used to evaluate the candidate's CV is indicated in parentheses.

The prioritization criteria for applications will be as follows:

  • Academic profile affinity (30%)
  • Academic record (40%)
  • Accredited language level, English level certificate at least B1 (10%)
  • Research merits (10%): seminars, conferences, stays in foreign centers, publications
  • Professional merits (10%)

Applications from those who meet the prerequisites, which must be formalized within the deadlines and in accordance with the procedures established by each of the participating universities, will be submitted to the judgment of the Doctoral Academic Committee, which will determine the suitability of their prior training for Doctoral Studies.

2.1) Part-time students:
The same criteria will be applied to admit all students regardless of whether they are full-time or part-time. The regulations of the UAM This information is published on the university's institutional website:

Part-time students will have a period of 5 years from admission to the program until submission of their doctoral thesis.

Students may change from part-time to full-time or vice versa, upon request and approval by the Academic Committee.

2.2) Students with special educational needs arising from disability

Candidates for the Doctoral Programme with special educational needs arising from their disability must first contact the coordinator of the doctoral programme at the UAM to inform them. They must also contact the Office of Solidarity Action and Cooperation to resolve (together with the coordinator) the specific needs of each candidate, offering them information, advice and guidance.

The Office of Solidarity Action and Cooperation, which is dependent on the Vice-Rectorate for Cooperation and University Outreach of the UAM, was established in October 2002. One of its fundamental objectives is the creation and consolidation of the Disability Care Area, which offers direct care to the entire University Community (students, teaching staff and Administration and Services staff). Its objective is to guarantee equal opportunities and the full integration of university students with disabilities in university academic life, as well as
promoting awareness and sensitization of all members of the university community.

The UAM offers students with disabilities personal development and a wide range of training opportunities. One of the activities carried out by the Disability Care Department is information, advice, personalized attention and detection of personal and academic needs that UAM students may have. In this regard, it has developed a "University Guide for Students with Disabilities."

This guide aims to dispel and eliminate the lack of knowledge that still exists today regarding the incorporation of university students with disabilities, presenting all the necessary information on the support, services and resources that the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) makes available to these students.

The Disability Care Department also assesses the specific needs of each student, with the aim of objectively informing the teaching staff about the adaptations that need to be made in each case. This line of work includes the publication and distribution of the “Protocol for Care for People with Disabilities at the University”, an orientation and support guide that contains general guidelines that may be useful when dealing with a person with a disability and that contributes to reducing situations of disorientation caused by a lack of information and ignorance of the difficulties that a student with a disability may face in the academic field.

In these cases, the Academic Committee will evaluate the need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies.

At the University of La Laguna there is a Program for Attention to Students with Disabilities (PAED) which offers students with officially recognized disabilities a series of aids that are basically distributed in: 1) transportation subsidy, 2) sign language interpreter, 3) personalized technical aids, 4) complementary aids.

The PAED includes a series of other aids for students who have specific educational support needs but who do not require official recognition of disability. The program carries out adaptations aimed at removing architectural, communication and technological accessibility barriers, among others.

Students with disabilities are also assisted by the ULL's Care Services. Specifically, its Service Charter specifies that they will be assisted by processing requests and collaborating in the effective development of their services.

2.3) Body responsible for student admission

At the University of La Laguna there is no doctoral school, but there are Academic Committees for each program, which may establish additional requirements and criteria for the selection and admission of students to a specific doctoral program. In the case of this Interuniversity Doctorate, admission to the doctoral program, assignment of a tutor and director and monitoring of the training activities of the program for students who have registered at the University of La Laguna will depend on the Academic Committee of the same, where the ULL will be duly represented.

No additional training is planned.