PhD in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies


Research stays in national or foreign centers

  • Number of hours: 350
  • Description: Optional activity
    Although highly recommended, the mobility requirements of this activity mean that it must be considered optional for both part-time and full-time students. These stays, with a total duration of between 8 and 12 weeks, will have as their main purpose for the doctoral student, to carry out part of their research. However, they are also considered a fundamental part of their training, since they involve getting closer to other educational and research systems, accessing seminars and courses held at other universities, improving their knowledge of a second language and creating their own network of contacts. Completion of these stays is a requirement to obtain the international mention of the title of doctor, which will be encouraged for all students of the Program. The number of hours indicated refers to the time that the student is expected to dedicate to training activities: learning new techniques, attending courses and seminars, etc. It is understood that the majority of part-time students will have more difficulties in carrying out these stays, so in these cases shorter stays or dividing the stay into several periods will be encouraged. Related competencies: CB13, CA04
  • Control procedure: Prior to the stay, the Academic Committee will be informed of the details of the stay and will authorize its implementation. During the stay, the student will work under the supervision of a professor or researcher from the host center, who will prepare a final report on the work carried out during the stay and the student's performance. This report will reflect not only the research activities, but also any other training activities carried out during the stay (attendance or teaching of seminars, attendance at specialized courses, etc.), as well as the training received by the student in specific techniques, and must be endorsed by the director of that institution or center. The Director/Tutor will include this report in the doctoral student's Activity Document, together with a personal assessment of the results of the stay. All relevant documentation will be sent to the Academic Committee, which will incorporate the data into the doctoral student's activity record. The Academic Committee will include an assessment of this activity in its annual report.
  • Mobility actions: Their implementation contemplates the availability of the usual mobility procedures:
    • Own funds for research projects
    • University-funded travel grants.
    • Travel grants included in the scholarship and predoctoral contract programs. Time planning
      Both full-time and part-time PhD students who have chosen this activity will stay at the host centre for a duration of between 8 and 12 weeks, throughout their training period. Students have the usual mobility procedures available:
    • Own funds for research projects
    • University-funded travel grants.
    • Travel grants included in scholarship programs and predoctoral contracts.