PhD in Industrial, Computer and Environmental Engineering

Training activities

  • Number of hours: 5
  • Description: This activity will consist of a public presentation of the progress made in the research of each of the students in a line of research. After the presentation, there will be a question and answer session in which any teacher or student may participate by raising questions or making recommendations. There will be one seminar per academic year, which will be held in July. The presentation will be held in Spanish. At the end of this activity, the student will have been able to structure and present the progress made in his/her research and discuss the achievements made. Each line of research will propose a moderator for its workshop, who will be ratified by the academic committee. The moderator will be in charge of organizing and facilitating the workshop. This activity supports the achievement of the basic competencies CB12, CB13 and CB15 and the capacities CA05 and CA06. Furthermore, the research work carried out during the thesis, which is reported on in the annual workshops, supports the achievement of the CA03 capability. All students must participate in this activity. The seminar will be held on the same date for all students in the research line, without distinction based on type of dedication.
  • Control procedure: The moderator will control attendance at the activity by collecting the signature of the attendees on an attendance sheet. Participation in the workshop will be taken into account by the academic committee when writing the report on the student's activity document. The activity will be evaluated by the teaching staff of the line of research, who will take into account the clarity of the presentation, the student's defense of the achievements of his/her research and the response given to the questions posed.
  • Number of hours: 4
  • Description: The teaching staff of each line of research will organise at least one specialisation seminar per academic year. Whenever funding is available, it will be ensured that researchers from national and international public and private institutions participate in the seminar. Spanish and English will be used when inviting foreign teaching staff. The aim of these seminars is for students to learn about the advances and achievements that occur in the fields of study and application of their line of research. Students must participate in the organisation of the seminar by collaborating in the search for funding and in its development. The seminar will be held in March of each academic year. This activity supports the achievement of general competence CB14. All students must participate in this activity. The date of the seminar will be the same for all students of the line of research, without distinction based on type of dedication.
  • Control procedure: Attendance at the activity will be controlled by obtaining the signature of the attendees on an attendance sheet. Participation in the seminar will be taken into account by the academic committee when drafting the report on the student's activity document. During the week after the seminar, students must present a summary of the talks given, which will be assessed by the teaching staff of the line of research. For its assessment, the students' ability to summarize and the structure and clarity of the document will be taken into account, among other things.
  • Number of hours: 20
  • Description: This activity will consist of each student preparing a working document that reflects the state of the art of the topic on which they are carrying out their research work. The length of the document will not exceed 20 pages. It will be submitted to the academic committee in the first year of the training period. The document can be written in Spanish or English. The aim of this activity is for students to be able to structure, summarise and present, in a written document, the relevant information of their field of study. The duration of this activity is estimated at 20 hours during an academic year. This activity supports the achievement of the basic competence CB11 and the capacity CA02. All students must participate in this activity.
  • Control procedure: The activity will be controlled by registering the document. The preparation of this document will be taken into account by the academic committee when drafting the report on the student's activity document. The evaluation of this activity will be carried out by the teaching staff of the student's line of research, taking into account the depth of the review, its relevance and the structure and clarity of the document.
  • Number of hours: 10
  • Description: In collaboration with the University Library, a course on training in information search skills will be taught. At the end of the activity, students should be able to identify and search for the relevant bibliography and data in their field of study. The duration of this activity is estimated at 10 hours during an academic year. The course will be taught in Spanish. This activity supports the achievement of the general competence CB11 and the capacity CA01. All students must participate in this activity. The activity will be held in October or November, depending on the availability of the University Library staff. The date of the seminar will be the same for all students in the line of research, without distinction by type of dedication.
  • Control procedure: Attendance at the activity will be controlled by obtaining the signature of the attendees on an attendance sheet. In addition, the University Library provides the evaluation that the students achieve based on the degree of achievement of the objectives set.
  • Number of hours: 480
  • Description: With the support of the University of La Laguna, through the "grants for stays in other centres associated with the development of doctoral theses", students will be encouraged to carry out at least one research stay in a national or international centre. The duration of the stay will be at least 3 months to comply with the provisions regarding the doctorate with International Mention. The stays will preferably be enjoyed from the second academic year onwards. The dedication in hours has been estimated based on a stay of 3 months at a rate of 40 hours of work per week. Obviously, this dedication may be greater or less depending on the duration of the stay. This activity supports the achievement of the basic competence CB16 and the capacity CA04. This activity is optional as it depends fundamentally on the availability of funding. In any case, all students will be encouraged to do it.
  • Control procedure: The Academic Committee will record the data of the students and research centres where the former carried out a work stay. To verify that the stay was carried out successfully, the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme will request a report from the researcher at the centre hosting the doctoral student on the activities carried out. The researcher will also be asked to assess the degree of satisfaction with the work carried out during the stay.
  • Mobility actions: The duration of the stay will be at least 3 months to comply with the provisions regarding the doctorate with International Mention.