PhD in Logic and Philosophy of Science (interuniversity)

Access and admission

Potential students can obtain precise information about the Doctoral Programme (DP) before the enrolment process, through different channels.

Participating universities prepare an annual offer of official degrees in accordance with current regulations. To prepare the offer of doctoral programmes, an initial phase of consultation is carried out with the academic committees of said programmes in order to determine the number of places, quotas for students with foreign qualifications, as well as possible specific admission criteria complementary to those indicated in the degree report. These proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the regulations of each university and submitted to the approval of its governing bodies.

Once approved, the offer of doctoral programs will be disseminated through:

a) the websites of the participating universities.

b) the corresponding doctoral schools.

Once the official course offering has been determined, the participating universities publish the registration call, the calendars of the different academic management processes, as well as other applicable regulations in the following links:

The postgraduate and doctoral services of the participating universities are available on the institutional website. The links provided below contain detailed information about the deadlines and requirements demanded by each university at the time of registration.

University of Salamanca

University of La Laguna 

University of Valencia

Direct care is offered at:

University of Salamanca. Faculty of Philosophy; Miguel de Unamuno Campus, 37007 Salamanca;

Telephone: +34 923 294 400. Ext.: 3432;

E-mail: [USAL]

University of Valladolid. Central Services, Academic Planning Service, Postgraduate Studies and Degrees, C/ Real de Burgos s/n, Cp: 47011, Valladolid,

Tel: 98342-3253, Fax: 98318-6397, Email: [Grape]

University of Santiago de Compostela. POSTGRADUATE CENTER: Residences of the Professors, Avenida de las Ciencias, s/n, 15782 Santiago de Compostela.

Telephone: 00 +34 881 811000 ext.: 14360/ 14361/ 14433. Fax: 00 +34 881 814364

The administrative management of students is excluded from the CPG's responsibilities.

University of A Coruña: Postgraduate Studies Unit, Student Pavilion, Elviña Campus s/n; 15071 A Coruña.

Tel: +34 981.16.70.00 (Ext. 1964, 1969). Fax: +34 981.16.71.98 (Internal ext. 1195).


University of La Laguna. Postgraduate Center of the University of La Laguna. Central Campus. Ground floor. C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. 38200, La Laguna.


University of Valencia. Graduate Center. Rectorate. Blasco Ibàñez, 13. 46010, Valencia

Doctorate phone: (34) 9639 83006; doctorate fax: (34) 9638 64977


All this information will be available prior to the admission period for doctoral programs.

In the case of this Doctoral Program, the Academic Committee will disseminate information about it through:

  • Information sessions aimed at undergraduate and master's students at the various participating universities.
  • Stimulating the recruitment of students with good academic records by seeking funding for predoctoral contracts
  • Thematic networks: Interested parties may also obtain information in the bulletins and networks of the main national and international societies of philosophy, logic and philosophy of science, analytical philosophy, where bilingual announcements (Spanish and English) informing about the PD will be sent for publication. These announcements will also be sent to networks specialized in the area, to the departments of logic and philosophy of science of the main universities in Europe, Latin America and the Philippines.
  • Page own website:
  • Through updated lists with the email addresses of graduates of the PD and other degrees offered by the universities that signed the agreement.
  • Various audiovisual media: interviews available online with faculty and students of the Doctoral Program, posters, etc.

Recommended entry profile:

The interuniversity doctoral programme in Logic and Philosophy of Science is designed to meet the demand of current university graduates who wish to receive additional specialisation or research training and who have completed a master's degree related to the field of logic and philosophy of science, students from foreign university systems who wish to pursue doctoral studies in our country, and university graduates who decide to update their knowledge and skills or modify their profile.

Our students will likely be:

  • Philosophy graduates (graduates who have completed a master's degree related to the PD or PhDs who wish to vary their profile).
  • Graduates in the field of natural sciences, mathematics and computer science (Graduates or PhDs who have completed a master's degree related to the PD).
  • Graduates in the area of social sciences and philology (Graduates or PhDs who have completed a master's degree related to the PD).

It is necessary for the researcher in training to be able to correctly read philosophical and scientific texts at least in Spanish and English.

Welcome and orientation for new students:

Information regarding pre-registration, enrollment and incorporation into the PD can be found on the official websites of any of the universities that signed the agreement, including that of the coordinating university:

  • University of Salamanca
  • University of Santiago de Compostela
  • University of La Laguna
  • University of Valladolid
  • University of A Coruña
  • University of Valencia

General requirements:

1. The requirements for access to doctoral programmes are established by Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies, which establishes that, in order to access them, it will be necessary to be in possession of the official Spanish degrees of Bachelor's Degree, or equivalent, and a University Master's Degree.

They can also be accessed if any of these other requirements are met:

– Be in possession of an official Spanish degree, or equivalent, and have obtained Research Sufficiency (regulated by Royal Decree 185/1985, of January 23).

– Be in possession of an official Spanish degree, or equivalent, and have obtained a Diploma of Advanced Studies (in accordance with Royal Decree 778/1998, of April 30).

– Possession of another Spanish Doctorate degree.

2. Students who hold a foreign higher education qualification and intend to pursue doctoral studies in Spain may access these studies upon recognition of their qualifications with the Spanish qualification that qualifies them for such access, in accordance with the procedure provided for in the regulations in force in this regard. Notwithstanding the above, universities may admit graduates from foreign educational systems without the need for recognition of their qualifications, upon verification that they certify a level of training equivalent to the corresponding Spanish Bachelor's and Master's degrees and that they qualify them for access to doctoral studies in the country that issued the qualification. This admission will not imply, in any case, the recognition of the foreign qualification held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than pursuing doctoral studies.

3. Students may access any official Doctorate programme, whether or not scientifically related to their university curriculum, and at any university, upon prior admission by the body responsible for the indicated programme, in accordance with the specific admission requirements and merit assessment criteria established by the university, where applicable.

In the case of foreign students whose mother tongue is not one of the languages of the DP (Spanish and English), they may be asked to prove an adequate level of knowledge of these languages (level B1).

Students from any of the participating universities must submit an application to their university to enroll in the DP. Applications will be sent to the DP Coordination Committee and must be accompanied by a CV, academic record and a letter from the interested party explaining their motivations. Likewise, in the case of universities that are not part of the DP, two cover letters must be submitted.

Additional requirements:

a) Provide official certificate of academic performance in the Bachelor's or Master's degree of origin.

b) Submit to the Academic Committee a brief document (no more than three pages long) indicating the reasons and research interests that have motivated the application for admission to the program.

Requirements for students coming from the other PD that is being discontinued:

In accordance with the Calendar of Extinction of Doctoral Studies regulated by RD 778/1998 taught at the UVa (Agreement of the Doctoral Commission of January 13, 2012 adapting the one approved on June 15, 2009), students who in previous courses have begun their doctoral studies according to RD 778/1998, may: Enroll in the Academic Supervision by registering the Doctoral Thesis, Present and defend the Doctoral Thesis. Students from transfers will be admitted in the Supervision by registering a Doctoral Thesis.

The doctoral student's activity document will be replaced by a certificate of activities carried out in the Doctoral Programme undertaken, issued by the administrative service responsible for the doctorate, which will include, where applicable, the training period, if the programme contemplates it.

Recommended entry profile:

The interuniversity doctoral programme in Logic and Philosophy of Science is designed to meet the demand of current university graduates who wish to receive additional specialisation or research training and who have completed a master's degree related to the field of logic and philosophy of science, students from foreign university systems who wish to pursue doctoral studies in our country, and university graduates who decide to update their knowledge and skills or modify their profile.

Our students will likely be:

  • Philosophy graduates (graduates who have completed a master's degree related to the PD or PhDs who wish to vary their profile).
  • Graduates in the field of natural sciences, mathematics and computer science (Graduates or PhDs who have completed a master's degree related to the PD).
  • Graduates in the area of social sciences and philology (Graduates or PhDs who have completed a master's degree related to the PD).

It is necessary for the researcher in training to be able to correctly read philosophical and scientific texts at least in Spanish and English.

Selection and Admission. Assessment criteria and responsible body:

The Academic Committee of the PD, through the delegated subcommittee, will decide on the admission of each of the applications, and may, if it deems it appropriate, call the candidate for an interview, whose overall assessment will be, at most, 30% of the total evaluation. The decision will be communicated to the interested parties who, from that moment on and within the deadlines established by each university, may formalize their registration in the PD.

The criteria for evaluating applications will be as follows:

a) Suitability of the degree claimed for admission and average of the academic record in the bachelor's degree and in the master's degree. It is understood that preference will be given to students who come from either the Master's Degree in Logic and Philosophy of Science or the Master's Degree in Social Studies of Science and Technology or those who, coming from other studies of an equivalent level, have taken subjects that facilitate the assimilation of the knowledge and skills offered by the PD: up to 40 points

b) Professional experience (developed inside or outside the university, in public or private centers related to education, research or management): up to 20 points

c) Completion of courses, attendance at conferences, stays at other universities, etc.: up to 20 points

d) Documented proficiency in English or other foreign languages: up to 20 points

Support services for students with special educational needs:

In general, universities involved in this doctoral program have support services for students. They also have integration programs for people with disabilities and different services where people with different types of disabilities are advised and cared for.


Where appropriate, individual curricular adaptations will be made to each student.

Part-time students:

Students will preferably be required to complete this Diploma full-time. However, some of the places offered may be filled by students who are recognised as part-time students.

Students who wish to undertake this PD studies on a part-time basis must apply to the Academic Committee of the Program when submitting their application for admission to the Program or, once admitted, when they meet any of the circumstances listed below and enable recognition as part-time students.

Among others, the following criteria will be used for admission of part-time students to this DP:

1) Be working and provide documentary evidence of the employment relationship.

2) Being affected by a degree of physical, sensory or mental disability that determines the need to pursue doctoral studies part-time. In this case, the student must provide documentary evidence of the recognized degree of disability.

3) Be undertaking other specialized training, at the same or another University, on a part-time basis and prove the condition of being admitted or enrolled in said studies as a part-time student.

4) Be considered the primary caregiver of dependent persons and prove this by submitting supporting documentation and certification issued by the competent body for recognizing the dependency situation.

5) Have children under 3 years of age in their care.

6) Be a high-level competitive athlete.

7) Carry out student representation tasks.

8) Other duly justified reasons (for example, being a victim of gender violence, terrorism, etc.).

Recognition of this status must be ratified annually and will be effective until the completion of the doctoral studies with the presentation and defense of the doctoral thesis. Notwithstanding the above, during the development of the PD, changes in the modality of dedication to these studies may be requested provided that the following circumstances occur:

– Part-time PhD students who lose the status for which they were admitted and recognised as such during the course of the PhD will automatically become full-time PhD students. From that moment on, they will have three years to submit the application for deposit of their PhD thesis, provided that they have not spent more than two years as part-time students.

– Doctoral students who have begun their doctoral studies on a full-time basis and find it necessary to apply for part-time student status and meet any of the requirements stated above will have a maximum time from the granting of said status until the submission of the application for deposit of the doctoral thesis, which in total, including the time already elapsed, will not exceed 5 years.

The Academic Committee of the programme will decide for each admitted student, based on their admission profile and previous training acquired, whether or not they need to undertake certain training in research. In particular, in the case of students who have not taken either the "Master's Degree in Logic and Philosophy of Science" or the "Master's Degree in Social Studies of Science and Technology", but who nevertheless meet the entry requirements, the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme may establish that the applicant take up to a maximum of five subjects (total: 25 ECTS credits) of one of the two aforementioned master's degrees. In particular, students who have not taken a degree that has provided them with sufficient knowledge in the area of Logic and Philosophy of Science will have to take additional training.