Monitoring of the PhD student
The PhD programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering follows the guidelines of article 11, Supervision and monitoring of doctoral students, of Royal Decree 99/2011 and of the Regulations for Official Doctoral Studies of the ULL, which in its articles 14, 15 and 16 describe the composition of the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme and its functions, which include the supervision and monitoring of doctoral students during their doctoral training. The Academic Committee of the official doctoral programme will be made up of six people: four professors and/or researchers corresponding to each line of research that makes up the doctoral programme, a professor/researcher who is a member of the Quality Committee who will act as secretary, and the Academic Coordinator, who will act as its president and who meets the requirements set out in both the Royal Decree and the ULL Regulations.
Likewise, Article 23 of the Regulations describes the procedures established by the doctoral programme for the supervision and monitoring of the doctoral student during his or her doctoral training. In addition to the assignment of the tutor, the deadlines established for said assignment, as well as the procedure established for the modification of this assignment, according to Article 10 of the ULL Regulations, points 5, 6 and 7, the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme will ensure an adequate and proportionate distribution of the doctoral students between the lines of research that make up the doctoral programme and the directors, establishing a series of limitations in order to avoid the accumulation of work under the same line and direction, the excessive lengthening of the completion of the doctoral thesis for reasons beyond the control of the student body, or the lack of publications based on the results of the thesis.
Regarding the procedure used to control the activity record of each doctoral student and certify their data, the program proposes, depending on the training activity in question, that it be the Tutor or the Director, or both, who collect this information and send it to the Academic Committee of the program for certification, since according to article 15 of the ULL Regulations, it is said committee that has the function of annually evaluating the Research Plan and the Training Plan contained in the activity document of each student of the program within the established deadlines for this. Likewise, said committee must approve the forecast of stays of doctoral students in other centers, national and international, co-tutorships and European mentions, according to the Procedure to request the International Mention in a doctoral thesis of the ULL.