Human Resources Development and Management

Social and Legal Sciences

The University Master in Human Resources Development and Management focuses on developing skills focused on the person-job fit, team work and the quality of working life, thus including areas of intervention that include personnel selection, training and assessment. It is aimed at developing a professional Human Resources Management profile. On the other hand, the Master in Personnel Direction is aimed at developing a professional profile of Directors of Human Resources and Consultants and Auditors, which includes a more holistic training in the Organisational phenomenon

General information

  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Methodology: Classroom-based
  • Place:
    • Faculty of Health Sciences. Psychology Section
  • Academic direction:
  • A growing interest in post-graduate studies in the area of Human Resources has been detected in recent years in several different qualifications of the field of Social and Legal Sciences. These seek an education that can act as a bridge between the training obtained in the different bachelors’ degrees and professional working life. Students are seeking not only practical and applied know-how, but also to develop the abilities and skills that will be required in the Human Resources departments of a wide range of different organisations. This field of specialisation is of special interest for graduates in Psychology and Labour Relations
  • Studying human resources enables to recruit, select and organize the human teams that form a company. For this reason it allows to occupy positions of responsibility in technical areas and directives in departments or human resources consultants (HR).
    General skills
    • Apply scientific methodology stringently to Human Resources Development, Management and/or Administration
    • Undertake the psychological and applied research necessary in the Development, Management and/or Administration of Human Resources
    • Undertake interventions in the field of Human Resources from a psycho-social perspective, based on professional and legal ethical guidelines, with respect for diversity, multi-culturalism and equality among people
    • Manage resources and team work
    • Form opinions and develop actions from the data available in the development, management and administration of human resources

    Especific skills
    • Design and roll out interventions in the area of Human Resources
    • Develop strategies that foster the participation of the beneficiaries and of Human Resource plans and projects
    • Manage the right strategic planning tools for each decision-making context
    • Galvanise groups and team work
    • Apply psycho-social strategies and techniques to promote health and quality of life at work
    • Understand the relations between psycho-social processes and the dynamics of labour relations and be able to design their intervention, bearing in mind said relations
    • Understand the external and internal context of organisations and be able to analyse them, assess and interpret them
    • Act in accordance with the legal framework that regulates labour relations in Spain and Europe
    • Apply different socio-labour assessment and audit techniques
    • Manage information and legal documentation and data and indicators concerning development, management and/or administration of human resources in the Public Administrations

  • To be in possession of a university qualification. Pursuant to article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, holders of an official Spanish university qualification, or a qualification issued by a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area that authorises the holder in the country issuing the qualification to gain access to a master’s course, along with qualifications issued in countries outside of the EHEA that have been convalidated by the Spanish State, will be considered to meet the access requirements for this course
  • Another indispensable requirement for access to this master’s course is to be able to accredit level B1 English
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
  • Website
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