Religious Studies: History and Society (Joint degree)

Arts and Humanities

The new Master in Religious Studies: History and Society was launched based on the belief that it was necessary to strengthen the number of formal academic offerings in religious studies at pubic universities in Spain, and that this could be achieved through an interuniversity alliance. In doing so, we draw on the brilliant and centuries-old tradition of religious studies found across the rest of Europe. This inter-university master is taught at only 3 universities: Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the Universidad de La Laguna.

General information

  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Methodology: Online
  • Place:
    • Universidad Pablo de Olavide: Centro de Estudios de Postgrado; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: Centro de Postgrado; Universidad de La Laguna: Escuela de Doctorado y Estudios de Posgrado de la Universidad de La Laguna (EDEPULL)
  • Academic direction:
  • Two complementary educational pathways are studied in parallel: the first is dedicated to the historical analysis of religious phenomena, and the second to providing appropriate tools to those responsible for regulating or facilitating peaceful coexistence in multi-faith communities.
  • Likewise, the master is designed to provide the training needed to manage diversity in multi-faith societies and communities at different levels of public administration (local, national, state level), and for drafting public policy - especially that which concerns general legislation and education.
  • The master explores religion as a cultural system and provides the theoretical and methodological apparatus that can be used to analyse and understand religious phenomena. Special onus is placed on developing the special tact required for analysing testimonies specific to each religion. Observations will be tied to the historic development of the religious phenomenon, as such special attention is paid to the diachronic study of religion, which serves as a basis from which it is possible to perceive their transformations in conceptual, moral and liturgical terms, versus the idea of steadfast religious constructions.
  • The general objective of this master is to deliver a higher education in Religious Studies to those planning a future career as researches or to professionals from different sectors, e.g. teachers, politicians, civil servants, diplomats, journalists, cultural managers, social workers, aid workers, etc.
  • The Master in Religious Studies: History and Society provides specialisation in the following areas: theoretical and practical research on religions and religious & cultural heritage (doctoral programs in History, State Canon Law, Anthropology, Sociology, Social Sciences, etc.); the design & management of public policy governing religious diversity; training for professionals working in all levels of education (Primary School, Secondary School, Baccalaureate & Higher Education) who teach subjects or content relating to religion/s; the creation of didactic materials for teaching religion at all levels of education; scientific consultation services for public and private institutions regarding multi-faith dialogue
    Basic and General
    • Students must be able to use analytical knowledge and tools to handle complex decision-making processes using information that, being limited or incomplete, includes reflections on the ethical and social responsibility involved in said decision-making
    • Students must possess a knowledge and understanding of ideas that can serve as a foundation upon which they can build new ideas and/or apply new strategies, often in the context of research
    • Students must know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their problem-solving skills to new and unfamiliar environments across a wide range of contexts (or multidisciplinary areas) related to their field of study
    • Students must be able to express their knowledge, reasoning, arguments and conclusions in front of expert panels and general audiences clearly and unambiguously
    • Students must be possess learning skills that them to continue studying in a manner that is largely autonomous and self-directed

    • Students must take an in depth look at the different analytical and methodological perspectives that have been applied to the study of religions, and be capable of detecting ethnocentrism and religiocentrism

  • This master is predominantly aimed at individuals who have an interest in cultural events and society occurring throughout history through to the present day. In general, this masters is aimed at those holding an undergraduate degree or diploma from any branch of study (Spanish qualifications or international qualifications); however, that said, those holding any of the following degrees will be given priority: Humanities, History, Law, Political Science, Philosophy, Philology, Sociology, Anthropology, Art History, Information Sciences, Social Work
  • Regarding the competencies that are considered desirable for those undertaking this master, no special requisites have been established beyond those set for any higher education qualification: literacy, analytical skills, synthesis and essay drafting skill, and above all, a thirst for knowledge and an interest in critical reflection.
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
  • Website
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