
Social and Legal Sciences

General information

  • 240 ECTS
  • 4 years
  • Acquire a basic understanding of the most important concepts, categories, theories and issues of the different branches of informative-communicative investigation
  • Acquire a command of the techniques of searching, identifying, selecting and collecting information and the methods of critically examining any kind of source, documents and facts in order to be able to process them properly on the one hand, and on the other, to be able to transform them into interesting information using the appropriate informative-communicative language for each case
  • Acquire a basic knowledge of the main events and processes of current societies from a synchronic standpoint
  • Acquire a rational and critical awareness of the present to understand today’s society and to be able to transmit this in an understandable fashion to others
  • To have an in-depth knowledge of the Spanish language and a working knowledge of other languages, particularly English
  • Media writer
  • Journalist creating written pieces for traditional print media or online media, which includes working as a writer, reporter, presenter, and editor for one or more of these, or also the scriptwriting and production of reports and audiovisual or multimedia documentaries
  • In-house writer or press liasons officer
  • Press office writer or Head of Press within a public or private institution coordinating the task of producing press releases or statements
  • Researcher, teacher and communications consultant
  • Research specialist who analyses the processes and channels through which public and private institutions communicate information. This professional is capable of performing advisory and consultation work or mediation services. or delivering non-university teaching aimed at sharing communication tools and new information and communications technology
  • Social media manager and content editor
  • Publishing house writer or editor or creator of cultural or informative content. Specialist in information gathering, management and editing using digital systems
  • Community manager
  • Specialists who design and execute communications strategies to position a brand on the Internet. Professional cualified to create and manage digital content to boost and monitor public engagement with a brand using social networks and newly emerging communications channels available on the Web 2.0.
    General skills:
    • Fluent and effective oral and written expression, with an ability to draw on the best linguistic resources for each of the different media
    • Apply the main journalistic genres and formats to creating contents, using the most appropriate language for each kind of media
    • Find, select and prioritise any kind of source or document (written, audio, visual, etc.) that may be useful for preparing contents in the area of information and communication
    • Use computer systems and their applications to find information and create journalistic content
    • Develop skills and abilities to acquire initiative, creativity, active participation and team work
    • Think up, plan and implement information or communication projects
    • Define subjects of investigation that may contribute to awareness, progress and discussion in the field of information and communication
    • Be aware of and respect fundamental human rights and the principles of liberty and equality among human beings in creating information and communication contents

    Main specific skills:
    • Be able to communicate in the appropriate language for the different media: press, radio, television and internet
    • Have a working knowledge of and apply the main currents, theories and concepts of communication sciences to analyse the role of the media in contemporary society
    • Know and understand mathematical and statistical data and operations commonly used in the media and know how to use them to create journalistic contents
    • Ably handle documentary consultation tools in the context of the new information technologies
    • Know and apply theoretical, technical and stylistic resources to cyber-journalism
    • Apply elocution and presentation techniques and resources in audio-visual media
    • Have a working knowledge of English to be able to handle textual and audio-visual documentation in English effectively
    • Have the knowledge to deal with scientific and technological information and present it to a non-specialist public in an understandable fashion
    • Know the relations between journalistic discourse and literary discourse and the characteristic techniques of the journalistic literary genres
    • Know the concepts and methodological principles of scientific research in the field of Communication
    • Understand the importance of the local media in constructing identities and for promoting participative and civic journalism
    • Have the ability to co-ordinate and implement informative and communicative tasks in public and private organisations and design information strategies in the communication offices of these organisations

Based on its characteristics and objectives, we would make the following recommendations to future students of this course:
  • Furthermore, you must have excellent written and spoken language skills, be interested in interacting with society's main stakeholders, and be comfortable being a key player in social discourse, regardless of the sphere (political, economic, cultural, scientific, sporting, to name a few)
  • As such, students wishing to undertake the studies offered in this degree must demonstrate: an interest in current news affairs by regularly following the mass media; an interest in social dynamics; have certain observational and analytical skills that can be applied to both short term and long term events; and be well read
  • On a personal level, you should be interested in knowing how the mass media really works and how existing and future challenges in the field of journalism might be managed using professional standards
  • You must be interested in adquiring the knowledge that will enable you to work as a professional in this field, and maintain a critical eye and balanced argument, from a scientific and professional standpoint, when facing the today's issues
  • You must have a clear idea of the professional training you will undertake in the context of the contemporary world and the expression of content in its multiple and varied facets via different communication channels and media
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
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