
Health Sciences

General information

  • 300 ECTS
  • 5 years
  • Promote critical analysis in the assessment of problems, decision-making and leadership spirit and training of professionals in the culture of total quality with ability for management and administration
  • Provide students with the necessary skills and qualifications to work as part of a team with other professionals of the different health professions
  • Training of professionals to be able to get involved in the health care system and to contribute to its improvement
  • Encourage the ability of students to make experimental designs based on scientific methods and interpret scientific work in the field of health sciences
  • Training of professionals to be able to get involved in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry
  • Encourage autonomous learning, boost individual and collective studying and reduce passive teaching techniques in order to motivate students towards lifelong learning
  • Establish the basics for a posterior access of students to pharmaceutical specialisation, scientific research, technological development activities and teaching
  • Appropriate balance of contents, according to the indications by the WHO (1993, 2000), in the following fields: basic sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical and clinical sciences, socio-economic sciences, experimentation, communication techniques and supervised practical lessons
  • Provide the acquisition of necessary knowledge, abilities and attitudes in order to exercise the different forms of professional practice
  • Training of experts in all fields related with drugs and medication in accordance with the European Directive passed with regard to university degrees in Pharmacy, including clinical pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical care
  • Pharmacist. This qualification, unlike that for other professions, also grants graduates the right to work within the health profession either as self-employed staff or contracted staff as stipulated in Act 44/2003 from November 21 for the Regulation of Healthcare Professions. Furthermore, Pharmacy graduates may also work in free competetion against other professions in activities involving: the production, conservation, and dispensing of medications; collaboration in testing procedures; support services; research; teaching; clinical management; preventative healthcare; healthcare information; and health education.
    General Skills
    • Identify, design, obtain, analyse, control, produce and dispense drugs and other products/raw materials of health interest for human or veterinary use
    • Assess therapeutic and toxic effects of substances with pharmaceutical activity
    • Know how to apply scientific methods and acquire skills in the handling of legislation, sources of information, bibliography, design of protocols and other necessary aspects for the design and critical assessment of pre-clinical and clinical trials
    • Offer therapeutic advice in pharmacotherapy and diet therapy in the pharmacy or place where they are offering services
    • Promote the rational use of medication and health products and acquire knowledge of clinical management, health economy and efficient use of health resources
    • Identify, assess and value problems related to drugs and their toxic effects, as well as take part in activities of pharmacological surveillance
    • Carry out activities of clinical and social pharmacy in compliance with the circle of pharmaceutical care
    • Take part in activities on health promotion and illness prevention at individual, family or community level, with a comprehensive and multi-professional view of the health-illness process
    • Design, apply and assess reagents, methods and clinical analytical laboratory diagnostic techniques
    • Develop hygiene and sanitary analyses, especially related to food and environment
    • Ability to develop communication and information skills and promote skills to work and collaborate with other health care professionals in order to deal with patients and users of the centre where they are exercising their profession
    • Know the ethical and deontological fundamentals according to the governing legal, regulatory and administrative provisions of the pharmaceutical professional practice, understanding ethical implications of health in a changing social context
    • Identify personal limitations and the need to keep professional competence up to date through autonomous learning of new knowledge based on the scientific evidence available

In accordance with the provisions of the Canary Islands Local Gazette of November 27, 2009, priority is given to applicants from LOE baccalaureate or equivalent who have undertaken Science and Technology, as set forth in Royal Decree 1467/2007, of November 2, which describes the syllabus and minimum teaching requirements. We recommend that in year two of the baccalaureate of Science and Technology, students opt to take the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences and the Environment, Physics and Mathematics. With regards to the university entrance exam for the Universidad de La Laguna, a mark of 0.2 will be required for Biology and Chemistry and 0.1 for Earth Sciences and the Environment , Physics and Mathematics.
  • We recommend that students applying from other educational systems or degrees, mature students, or those possessing professional work experience possess a similar set of knowledge and skills to those taught in the following baccalaureate studies: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Biology.
  • In order to work as a pharmacist, you must have a thorough understanding of medications, continuous contact with patients, and the ability to develop a good rapport with people. For these reasons, in addition to the fundamental knowledge you must gain, future pharmacists must also demonstrate an interest in science, be well-organized, and be able to handle enquiries and attend the public.
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
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