

General information

  • 240 ECTS
  • 4 years
  • Train students in respect for fundamental human rights and the principle of equal opportunity which is characteristic of a culture based on the values of peace and democracy
  • Imbue students with a deep interest in scientific learning, and for Physics in particular, giving them the necessary background on different branches of Physics to allow them to understand the evolution of Physical ideas and their application within different practical contexts, stressing the pivotal role of Physics in the technological development of our society, as an integral part of learning and culture
  • Provide students with a strong and balanced academic formation in Physics and the practical skills and abilities that will allow them to become professionals in their fields, with a view to either finding a job, in any scientific or technological capacity, or to pursuing a more advanced and specialised formation in Physics or related areas
  • Promotion and development of scientific and technological innovation
  • Planning and management of technologies relating to physics in sectors such as Industry, the Environment, Healthcare, Cultural Heritage, Public Administration, and the banking industry, amongst others
  • Development of professional activities relating to physics in the framework of applied technologies in both laboratories and in industry, such as: Radio Protection, Telecommunications, Remote Diagnostics, Remote Satellite Control, and Quality Control, amongst others
  • Participation in the activities of research centres, both publilc and private, including managerial activities
    General Skills
    • To learn how to work in a Physics laboratory, using modern instrumentation and experimental methods
    • To acquire a strong mathematical, theoretical and computational training
    • To develop the ability to identify and apply known methods to solve new problems
    • To develop the skills to identify the essential elements in a Physics problem that lead to building a simplified model of that problem with the potential to shed significant light on its study and make relevant predictions
    • To know the applications of Physics in different professional environments, including teaching, technological development, innovation, and entrepreneurship
    • To learn how to efficiently organise and plan learning and academic tasks
    • To be able to participate in scientific debates and to communicate scientific results both in oral presentations and in written reports
    • To construct the kind of solid foundation that allows further development either within academia (Master, PhD) or within a professional career

    Specific Skills
    • To comprehend the main conceptual schemes of Physics and experimental sciences
    • To comprehend and proficiently apply the usage of mathematical and numerical methods that are common to the Physical Sciences
    • To know the milestones in the evolution of scientific knowledge, and of Physics in particular
    • To develop a comprehensive view of modern Physics and its broad scope of applications
    • To be aware of its relations with other scientific disciplines
    • To be aware of the working world in which all the concepts learned apply
    • To be aware of the basic elements that form a project
    • To gain skills in the mathematical modelling of physical phenomena
    • To observe natural phenomena and perform scientific experiments
    • To analyse, synthesise, assess and describe scientific information and data
    • To measure essential magnitudes in scientific experiments
    • To write reports summarising the results and conclusions of lab work
    • To use computer tools in the context of applied mathematics
    • To learn how to write computer programmes in a language relevant to scientific calculation
    • To cope with scientific problems and generate new ideas that may solve them
    • To propose experiments independently
    • To master oral and written expressions in Spanish and English, addressed to a general or specialised audience
    • To acquire a work ethic in science labs and university classrooms
    • To organise and schedule the time devoted to study and work, both independently and as part of a team
    • To know how to discuss concepts, problems and experiments defending one's own arguments with scientific rigour
    • To get used to listening and evaluating the arguments of classmates
    • To initiate supervised research works, developing the necessary skills to carry them forward independently
    • To know the labour market relating to the degree
    • To know how to draw up a project and manage the financial proposal

  • Scientific curiosity
  • An interesting in problem-solving
  • An ability to assimilate information
  • An interest in observing and modelling nature
  • Abstract reasoning skills
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
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