Social and Cultural Anthropology

Social and Legal Sciences

General information

  • 240 ECTS
  • 4 years
  • To acquire the know-how and instruments necessary for practising as a professional anthropologist in the areas of inter-cultural relations and cultural diversities, ethnological heritage, territorial development and international co-operation, teaching and basic research applied to culture and society
  • To realise the importance of empirical field work as the primary method for collecting data and as the foundation for generating anthropological theories
  • To gain a detailed knowledge of the different thematic areas of Social and Cultural Anthropology with respect to cultural diversity and its implications for understanding and solving contemporary social problems
  • To discover and develop a comparative study of human societies
  • To gain an informed view of human diversity, with the ability to appreciate its potential wealth and complexity
  • The objective of the degree is to pass on anthropological knowledge and train students to apply the knowledge they acquire to the dilemmas of the modern world
  • The aim of this degree is to provide the necessary education to study, understand and explain the variety of human societies and cultures. It also aims to train professionals to analyse and work in this cultural diversity
  • A degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology will equip you well for six different types of professions: Intercultural Relations and Cultural Diversity; Ethnological Heritage; International Cooperation and Regional Development; Cultural Management; Teaching and Research; Applied Research; and Social Evaluation and Intervention
    General skills:
    • To develop autonomous learning abilities (capacity to analyse, synthesis, holistic view and applicability)
    • To acquire general communication skills
    • To apply documentary, statistical, computer and multi-media techniques
    • Develop personal responsibility and development skills
    • Develop team work
    • Apply the principles of ethical codes
    • Find creative and enterprising solutions for new situations or problems
    • Interact with cultures, populations and different groups from one’s own without ethno-centric prejudices, making conflict resolution possible
    • Recognise the complexity of social phenomena
    • Analyse cultural diversity

    Specific skills:
    • Discover the main theories concerning the meanings of the concept of culture and the different systems of cultural adaptation to the environment
    • Discover the transcultural variability of economic systems, the pertinent anthropological theories and the social constructs dealing with sex, gender and sexuality
    • Be able to analyse the transformations and evolution of contemporary societies and their social and political movements
    • Be able to design public policies aimed at addressing social problems and assessing socio-cultural intervention or development co-operation projects implemented
    • Be able to design and implement anthropological research projects
    • Be able to analyse and measure basic factors of inequality and social vulnerability, along with cultural differences and processes of conflict
    • Be able to diagnose and mediate in situations of inter-cultural conflict
    • Be able to produce dissemination or museum material dealing with cultural diversity
    • Be able to carry out projects and practical interventions in the area of managing the cultural heritage and have an in-depth knowledge of the cultural sector
    • Know the different theories that explain the history, development and transformations of human societies
    • Know the methodology of Social Anthropology and its basic and advanced social research techniques (quantitative and qualitative), with special emphasis on field work techniques (ethnographic descriptions, participant observation, oral interviews, etc.)
    • Be capable of transmitting concepts, problems and perspectives of Social Anthropology to both a lay and an expert audience
    • Know the epistemological and methodological debates of Social and Cultural Anthropology
    • Be able to apply theoretical-methodological reflection to avoid ethno-centrism in analytical models
    • Be able to analyse ethnographic specifics and develop conceptual abstraction in comparative processes

Students must demonstrate an interest in social events and the processes that form a part of them. You should be sensitive to cultural diversity and the complexities that exist in society which urge for the need to identify relationships and links to questions that may at first appear unrelated. You will need to possess a critical eye, be open and creative in your thinking, and you must also be driven. You should be passionate about social intervention and be ready to make observations on situations, spaces, and interpersonal communication; you will frequesntly need to analyse documents and identify which resources are needed to resolve problems. For these reasons, this degree is suitable for individuals who are curious about issues that fall under the discipline of Anthropology, these being:
  • The practice of Social and Cultural Anthropology involves constant interaction with others from all different fields and from all different backgrounds of society, which is why it is important that special attention be paid to the fact that cultural diversity is a key part of this discipline. As such, we recommend that you possess good people skills, are able to work as part of a team, are accepting of diversity, and that you do not hold sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic view points, nor discriminate against others based on their physical capacities, ideologies, or any other differences that may exist between you or them
  • Under current legislation, anyone holding a baccalaureate qualification may access this degree, as may those possessing other important professional qualifications. A baccalaureate offering Social Science and Humanities will offer a solid grounding in the subjects dealt with in the degree, thus helping students better understand the materials being taught and ensure steady progress
  • You should also show passion for developing a critical eye showing you are both competent and committed to engaging with new social realities, both present and future
  • Intercultural and multicultural phenomena seen in contemporary society (migratory movements, urban trends, gender issues, labour concerns, educational movements, etc.), and how they have given rise to new types of living patterns and conflicts
  • Social and cultural diversity and the many different forms of political regimes, economic systems, religions, legal systems, customs, etc. that exist
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
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