
Social and Legal Sciences

General information

  • 240 ECTS
  • 4 years
  • Develop skills in students to transmit ideas, problems and solutions from Sociology to both specialist and non-specialist audiences
  • Develop skills to find and handle secondary sources, production and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, the use and interpretation of social indicators and social measurement instruments, together with computer programmes applied to social research
  • Promote the ability to design social research projects and the explanatory analysis of specific social phenomena
  • Develop the skills necessary to apply the sociological knowledge and concepts acquired in practise in the social world
  • Enhance our knowledge of the structure, specific workings of social organisations and the dynamics of their social stakeholders in the different areas of action
  • Develop the analysis of the change in contemporary societies and detect potential emerging trends
  • Become familiar with the theoretical principles of human society and social dynamics
  • The aim of this degree is to train professional sociologists capable of developing the theoretical and empirical basics to acquire a scientific knowledge of societies and their welfare.
  • Upon finishing our degree in Sociology, graduates will be able to find work in any of the following areas: Social Intervention, Applied Social Research, Labour Organization, Public Politics, and Education.
    General skills
    • Ability to analyse and apply knowledge in practise
    • Communication skills
    • Ability to use documentary and information management skills, statistics, computer and multi-media skills necessary for learning and for professional practise
    • Ability to organise, take decisions and adapt to new situations
    • Team work
    • Ethical commitment
    • Creative and entrepreneurial ability in the context of motivating quality
    • Ability to relate with cultures, populations and groups different from one’s own, without ethnocentric prejudices, thus facilitating conflict resolution
    • Ability to recognise the complexity of social phenomena and the interaction of global and local processes in specific situations, identifying the causal links and key players in each situation

    Specific skills:
    • Knowledge and abilities to suggest and undertake applied research in the different areas of society
    • Learn statistical concepts and techniques applied to human society
    • Ability to prepare, use and interpret social indicators and social measurement instruments
    • Abilities to develop the human resources in organisations
    • Knowledge and abilities to transmit sociological concepts, problems and standpoints
    • Technical knowledge and skills to produce and analyse quantitative and qualitative data
    • Organisational development skills
    • Ability to identify the basic components and measure factors of social inequality and vulnerability, cultural differences and processes of conflict
    • Ability to analyse the transformation and evolution of contemporary societies and their social and political movements
    • Skills to help design public policies aimed at addressing social problems
    • Abilities to establish, programme and implement social intervention projects

Individuals interested in studying our degree in Sociology must:
  • Possess good verbal and written language skills
  • Possess logical and intuitive reasoning skills
  • Be able to analyse and summarize information
  • Have a good memory and the ability to concentrate
  • Have good observational skills, be of a curious mind, and reliable
  • Be interested in politics, social affairs, and economics
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
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