- Avda. César Manrique. Edfificio La Pirámide. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
- (+34) 922 31 72 71
- inspserv@ull.es
- De 09:00 to 14:00h. M - F
- List of services
- Satisfaction survey
- Complaints & Suggestion Box
Inspection Service
The role of the Inspection Service of the Universidad de La Laguna is to plan and carry out inspections of the University’s different centres, departments and services, and collaborate in disciplinary proceedings and conflict prevention throughout the university community. It ensures that all individuals within their sphere of activity meet statutory and contractual obligations. It also pursues enquiries relating to reports or complaints filed on the workings of the University Administration, and provides the Rector with information on applicable disciplinary proceedings and sanctions. Our goal is to become the driving force behind the improvements seen in compliance and performance levels in academic organization. We aim to provide an efficient and modern service that continuously perfects procedures and performance protocols, and do our utmost to offer a fast and responsive service that is easy to access by anyone in the university community. We aim to continuously improve upon the services offered in order to increase the reliability of the University’s offerings.
Section Managers
- Responsable del servicio
- Antonia María Rodríguez Rodríguez
Services available to users
- Support Services for Governing Bodies: Assisting the Rector & General Management to evaluate or analyse the University’s services, and generate proposals for improvements, or if necessary, proposals for sanctions and disciplinary proceedings.
- Advice & Consultation Services: Inform the University’s centres, departments and services of the matters that fall under the umbrella of their responsibility. This information will be transmitted to them via the University Rector or via those responsible for managing them. Furthermore, we will also gather from them any relevant reports deemed necessary. Additionally, we inform Research and Teaching Staff, Administrative and Service Staff, and students about their rights and also correct procedures for making complaints or for any other set of circumstances that fall under the remit of this service.
- Complaints Processing and Management: The service takes responsibility for receiving, investigating and processing complaints regarding the following matters: the unsatisfactory or irregular workings of university services; irregular or inappropriate behaviour by any member of the university community as they perform their duties; harassment, discrimination, or similar. The service will provide any protection measures deemed necessary.
- Inspections: Inspect the activity and workings of the centres, departments and services of the Universidad de La Laguna, verifying that regulations governing their respective competencies are followed correctly. Furthermore, verify that university staff are complying with their contractual obligations and investigate any irregular conduct, as necessary. Likewise, verify that students are fulfilling their duties and propose adequate measures.
- Improved Quality: Contribute to improving the obligations of Teaching and Research Staff, Administrative & Service Staff, and students through inspections that are scheduled in the Annual Work Planner.
Useful Links
- Work plan for the course 2016/17
- Work plan for the course 2017/18
- Annual report of the course 2009/10
- Annual report of the course 2010/11
- Annual report of the course 2011/12
- Annual report of the course 2012/13
- Annual report of the course 2013/14
- Annual report of the course 2014/15
- Annual report of the course 2015/16
- Annual report of the course 2016/17
- Complaints and Advice addressed to the Inspection Service