The following milestones were reached by the ITB during 2019:
- The construction of the Institute’s facilities has been completed and now, the procurement and installation of the laboratory fittings, and the distribution and furnishing of the management, innovation and transfer facilities, is underway.
- The recruitment of new PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, technicians and technology transfer personnel, is underway through national funding programmes, such as the “Juan de la Cierva” programme and calls for funding associated to the projects funding the activities of the institute’s research groups, as well as the “Agustín de Betancourt” programme that is financed by the Regional Government of Tenerife, with a focus on transferability.
- The renewal of the external Scientific Advisory Board, made up of internationally reknown experts, and the visit of this committee to carry out the first evaluation, whose report was delivered in November 2019.
- The dissemination of health knowledge and increased visibility at a regional, national and international level, through the organisation of scientific events in collaboration with associated international centres.
- The organisation of local events and workshops for scientific dissemination: science fairs, meetings with patient associations, etc.
- Active involvement of most of the Institute’s groups and research lines in the Biomedicine and Biotechnology Master’s degree and Doctorate in Health Sciences programs at the ULL.