Markus Conrad: After studying Psychology in Germany, my home country, I finished my PhD in cognitive psychology and neuroscience in the Free University of Berlin in 2018. My doctoral dissertation was focused on phonological processing during readings in various languages. I carried out several researches in the University of La Laguna in psycholinguistic phenomena in Spanish. Later, I expanded my scientific interest in emotional processing within language, and especially how bilinguals process the emotional contents of their different respective languages. It is a research line which illustrates quite well my own biographical odyssey. As an attempt to satisfy my great interest in other cultures and languages, as well as my sentimental attachment to the German romanticism, tying up my research boat after various years as a post doctorate between Berlin and Tenerife since 2017, within the Ramon y Cajal program in the University of la Laguna.
Ramón y Cajal program
lunes 31 de mayo de 2021 - 09:08 GMT+0000

Niels Janssen: After completing my doctorate in Harvard University, I spent three years as postdoctoral in Marseille, France. Then, I obtained the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral grant in 2008 and the Ramón y Cajal grant for postdoctoral work in the University of La Laguna in 2012. I am currently a contracted doctor. I love how balanced the work and the lifestyle in the island are, which allows working hard as well as relaxing when needed.
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