Master's Degree in Bioethics and Biolaw

Quality Assurance System

The Internal Quality Assurance System for the Degree (SAIC) (previously the Internal Quality Assurance System -SGIC-) constitutes the university's commitment to the establishment and deployment of a culture of quality in training programs, continuous improvement and accountability.

It includes procedures designed based on the criteria and guidelines for quality assurance established in the EHEA (ESG, 2015), in national regulations and developed in the evaluation programs of quality agencies. They are focused on activities related to the management, analysis, review and improvement of the titles, teaching-learning focused on the student body, the teaching activity of the faculty, the satisfaction and opinion of interest groups, the insertion labor of the graduates and the information public, among others.

Through the mechanisms and procedures established in the SAIC, the collection and continuous analysis of information and results relevant to the effective management of the title is guaranteed, as well as the participation of the interest groups.

Information on each of the SAIC procedures can be found in the following sections.

The bodies responsible for SAIC are committed to guaranteeing the quality of the degrees taught at the university and its centres and ensuring the continuous improvement of their results. They are structured into two levels:

  • Institutional
    • Vice-rectorate with responsibilities in quality

Direct and promote the implementation and development of the SAIC, as they reinforce the quality assurance and continuous improvement of the centres and qualifications, facilitating the monitoring, accreditation and certification processes. It is also responsible for providing the appropriate institutional support for the development of the evaluation and quality programmes, guaranteeing their sustainability over time.

    • Quality Assessment and Improvement Unit - Quality Technical Unit

The Quality Assessment and Improvement Unit (UEMC) and its Technical Quality Unit (UTC) are responsible for the management and planning of the SAIC design, implementation and assessment processes, which are necessary to ensure continuous improvement in the centre and its qualifications, as well as the achievement of the established objectives, responding to the needs and expectations of the interest groups.

The UTC is also responsible for preparing and providing the framework documentation related to the evaluation and quality programmes, and for providing technical advice and training to the agents involved. It promotes the development of the processes through appropriate coordination with academic and quality managers, committees, self-assessment working groups, quality agencies and other bodies/entities involved.

  • Center/Degree
    • Management Team of the Center

This body, and in particular its Dean or Director, is responsible for directing and promoting the evaluation and quality programmes at the centre. Its team includes a Centre Quality Manager, who will be in charge of coordinating and developing the management of the processes related to the implementation and evaluation of the SAIC and the evaluation of qualifications.

    • Quality Manager/s of the Center/Title

The quality managers of the centre/degree, who will be integrated as members of the Quality Commission, will perform general coordination functions, including:

  • Support the dean's team in the development of evaluation and quality programs at the center
  • Promote and lead the implementation of SAIC
  • Participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of the titles

Regarding the Degree Quality Assurance System (SAIC)

  • Manage, review and update SAIC documentation.
  • Carry out information analysis derived from SAIC procedures and inform the Quality Committee of their development (imbalances, improvement actions, etc.).
  • Manage internal communication with the agents involved in the SAIC.
  • Channel claims, complaints and suggestions to the Quality Commission and articulate response actions.
  • Promote the culture of evaluation and quality among different interest groups.
  • Ensure transparency and accountability to stakeholders by monitoring the updating of website content (publication of information, relevant results of the title, etc.).
  • Serve as an interlocutor with the Vice-Rectorate with responsibilities in quality and the UTC in all actions related to the field of evaluation and institutional quality

Regarding qualifications

  • Promote and participate in the processes of design, modification, monitoring and renewal of the accreditation of official qualifications.
  • Supervise the implementation of the qualifications, in accordance with the provisions of the Qualification Verification Report and/or its subsequent modifications, and carry out its monitoring together with the Quality Commission.
  • Participate in the analysis, evolution, reflection and proposal of improvement actions based on the results of academic performance and degree satisfaction.
  • Support the Quality Committee in the management of the Teaching Guides for official qualifications.
    • Center/Section/Title Quality Commission

It is a body that intervenes in the planning and monitoring tasks of the SAIC, and acts as one of the mechanisms for effective participation of the interest groups through which the quality and continuous improvement of the center and its qualifications are guaranteed. It is made up of the management team, the person responsible for quality and representatives of the different interest groups of the center (PDI, students-graduates, PAS, employers, etc.). Among the functions it performs, the following stand out:

  • Participate in the design, review and update of SAIC documentation.
  • Verify the monitoring and implementation of the SAIC.
  • Analyze and resolve, together with the quality manager, claims, complaints and suggestions.
  • Study and, where appropriate, approve the implementation of proposals for improving the SAIC and its qualifications.
  • Ensure the review, evaluation and improvement processes of training programs.
  • Supervise the monitoring and implementation of the qualifications, in accordance with the provisions of the Qualification Verification Report and/or its subsequent modifications.
  • Carry out the analysis, evolution and reflection based on the associated indicators and results (satisfaction, academic performance rates, etc.).
  • Approve the Teaching Guides for official degrees.

The procedures established in the SAIC of the title, linked to different aspects of the management, evaluation and improvement of the training programs, are detailed below: