Master's Degree in Bioethics and Biolaw

Admission and graduation profile

Admission profile

The admission profile is the knowledge, skills and abilities of the students who access the degree.

The entry profile and prior training required to qualify for access to the degree is as follows:

Possess any of the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in medicine
  • Degree or Master's in Law, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Social Work, Psychology, and other related fields.
  • Graduates or Diploma holders in these subjects, according to previous study plans.

It is expected that he/she be sensitive to the values of respect and dignity of the person without distinctions of culture, creed or sexual orientation, and committed to the improvement of society.

According to DECREE 168/2008, of July 22, regulating the procedure, requirements and evaluation criteria for the authorization of the implementation of university courses leading to the official Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands (art. 4.5), students must prove knowledge of a second language, preferably English, at an adequate level and in line with teaching needs. This level will usually be B1.

The Master's degree will also allow access to graduates who meet the requirements of Article 16 of RD 1393/2007 and who also have the required B1 level of English.

Graduation profile

The graduate profile is the skills, knowledge and abilities that the student must have acquired upon completion of the degree. This information is included in the section on competencies/learning outcomes defined for the title.

The graduate of this master's degree will therefore be a graduate with specialized and advanced training with professional capacity and qualification.

Professionals with an interest in Bioethics. Specifically trains them to become members of Research Ethics Committees, Clinical Research Ethics Committees, Animal Welfare and Research Committees, and Healthcare Ethics Committees.