Master's Degree in Bioethics and Biolaw

Curriculum structure

Planning the teaching involves the structuring of content, systems and methodologies that make it possible to acquire the knowledge, capacities, abilities and basic skills necessary for students to be able to develop their activity in any of the lines specified in the professional profile defined for the degree.

The curriculum, structured into modules/subjects and courses, is based on the regulatory framework for the organisation and verification of official university education – RD 1393/2007 – and the guidelines developed by the University of La Laguna.


If you want to consult the history of the teaching guides, select it by accessing the ULL e-guide portal (once you have selected the subject, click on the academic year to view previous courses):

Code Subject Typology Credits Course Four-month period
305631101 Anthropological aspects Mandatory 3 1st 1st
305631102 Ethical aspects Mandatory 3 1st 1st
305631103 Legal aspects Mandatory 3 1st 1st
305631104 Ethics of clinical care Mandatory 3 1st 1st
305631105 Information, consent and capacity: Ethical and legal aspects Mandatory 3 1st 1st
305631106 Bioethics of care Mandatory 3 1st 1st
305631107 Beginning and end of life: Ethical and legal aspects Mandatory 6 1st 1st
305631108 Fundamentals and Clinical Bioethics Mandatory 3 1st 1st
305631201 Methods of deliberation and decision making Mandatory 3 1st 2nd
305631202 Research Ethics Mandatory 3 1st 2nd
305631203 Bioethics Committees Mandatory 3 1st 2nd
305631204 Bioethics and Biolaw Mandatory 3 1st 2nd
305631205 Bioethics and Biotechnology Mandatory 3 1st 2nd
305631206 In-person session (Biolaw and TFM defense) Mandatory 3 1st 2nd
305631207 Master's Thesis Mandatory 15 1st 2nd