Internships in companies, organizations and institutions are mandatory in those master's degrees that have it established in their curriculum. They involve bringing students closer to real situations, complementing the training received with the reality of the working world.
Specifically, in the Master's Degree in Cybersecurity and Data Intelligence, external internships are mandatory. They constitute a training activity, carried out by university students and supervised by universities, whose objective is to allow students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training, promoting the acquisition of skills that prepare them for the exercise of professional activities, facilitating their employability and fostering their entrepreneurial capacity.
Academic internships may be carried out in collaborating entities/companies, such as companies, institutions, public/private entities, etc.
For the development of external internships, the University of La Laguna maintains the necessary agreements with companies, organizations and institutions in which it is considered that students can acquire the professional skills appropriate to the degree and that respond to the professional profiles defined in the Report.
Each academic year, depending on the profiles, motivations and needs of the students, new agreements are opened with internship centres.
General requirements for carrying out external internships
In order to carry out external internships, students must meet the following general requirements:
- Be enrolled in the degree and in the External Internship subject of your study plan.
- Not to maintain any contractual relationship with the company, institution or entity, except in cases described in the applicable regulations.
- Any other academic requirement established by the degree in its Verification/Modification Report and in the teaching guide for the subject.
The degree has the structures and mechanisms for the organisation, management, assessment and monitoring of external internships, which are specified in: the External Internship Committee, the External Internship Coordination, the academic tutors and external tutors. At degree level, the External Internship Coordinator, as mentioned in the Teaching Guide, together with the PE Committee, are responsible for managing the development of the subject.
The Internship Committee, which will be responsible for defining the objectives, orientation, content and requirements relating to this activity, as well as planning and managing its development, will carry out the selection and assignment of academic tutors to each student admitted in the selection process.
For their part, the Coordinator of External Internships for the degree, together with the academic tutors, is responsible for agreeing with the external tutors of the entities the number of students admitted, the temporality and the activities to be carried out by the students.
For the evaluation of this activity, the student must prepare a report on the activities carried out at the internship center, which will be assessed for the quality and correctness of expression regarding the content, as well as its presentation and defense.
The general university, national, autonomous and ULL regulations governing external internships in official ULL degrees are as follows:
- Royal Decree 592/2014, of July 11, regulating external academic internships for university students (Official State Gazette of 30 July 2014)
- D. 168/2008, of July 22, which regulates the procedure, requirements and evaluation criteria for the authorization of the implementation of university teachings leading to the obtaining of official Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands
- Agreement 6/CG of December 20, 2017 of the Governing Council of the University of La Laguna approving the Regulations on External Internships of the University of La Laguna.
- Regulations for external tutors for internships from the University of La Laguna (BOC, October 19, 2011).