Master's Degree in Education and Information and Communication Technology

Admission and graduation profile

Admission profile

The admission profile is the knowledge, skills and abilities of the students who access the degree.

The Master's degree will also allow access to graduates who meet the requirements of Article 16 of RD 1393/2007 and who also have the required B1 level of English.

The Master's Degree is open to any university graduate, although it is especially aimed at graduates from Faculties of Education, University Schools of Teacher Training, and other university centres that participate in the training of educators and/or teachers at any educational level, as well as from Higher Technical Schools of Computer Science. The preferred qualifications are:

  • Early Childhood Education Teacher Degree
  • Primary Education Teacher Degree
  • Degree in Pedagogy
  • Degree in Social Education
  • Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy,
  • Bachelor's Degree in Psychopedagogy
  • Diploma in Social Education
  • Teaching qualifications in its various modalities (Preschool, Primary, Foreign Languages, Physical Education, Music Education, Speech Therapy)
  • Technical Engineers in Computer Science
  • Graduates in Computer Engineering
  • Degree in Computer Engineering
  • Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching
  • Other postgraduate qualifications that certify training in the field of education

Furthermore, as it is offered remotely, this Master's degree also opens its doors to students from other Spanish universities with the previous degrees, but mainly to students from Latin American countries.

Graduation profile

The graduate profile is the skills, knowledge and abilities that the student must have acquired upon completion of the degree. This information is included in the section on competencies/learning outcomes defined for the title.

The graduate of this master's degree will therefore be a graduate with specialized and advanced training with professional capacity and qualification.

The aim is for graduates of this Master's degree to obtain the specialized academic knowledge and skills that will enable them to develop applied research in sectors such as:

  • Educational research centres (Observatories, Foundations, Universities)
  • Publishers of textbooks and teaching materials
  • eLearning and distance learning companies
  • Companies that create and develop computer applications
  • Educational administration: CEPs, public educational centers, etc.
  • Private educational centers
  • Elearning units or cabinets in both public and private universities
  • Virtual Campuses for any educational level
  • Media companies (press, radio, television, film) and the entertainment industry (video games)
  • Educational Entrepreneurship on the Internet
  • ICT and media research centres and offices
  • Educational offices of cultural centers such as libraries, museums, etc.

This Master's Degree in Education and Information and Communication Technologies is 60 credits (48 compulsory, 12 Master's Final Project) and, due to its research orientation, qualifies for access to the completion of a doctoral thesis.