Government Pavilion, C/ Padre Herrera s/n
PO Box 456
38200, San Cristobal de La Laguna
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
Tel. Switchboard: (+34) 922 31 90 00
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
At the School of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies, we encourage all our Master's students to undertake international mobility, in the belief that these experiences will contribute to their professional development and the consolidation of their research careers. At the same time, every academic year our centre welcomes international students who wish to complete their training in the master's degrees offered by our institution.
Our assistance to students enrolled in official ULL master's degrees focuses on mobility through Erasmus Internships, without prejudice to the fact that they may request other types of mobility in calls promoted by different bodies within or outside the ULL.
He Master's students You can choose between the modalities of Curricular Practices, Internships for New Graduates, either Voluntary Internships.
For more information about the requirements to apply for mobility, the different modalities of Erasmus Internships and the procedures to follow, you can access the Erasmus Portal from the ULL. Also, on the portal of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization, both in the mobility options as in the section of Calls, you will find much of the information necessary to understand this program. We also recommend reading the Erasmus student letter.
For more information or to resolve any questions, you can contact the EDEP International Mobility Coordination:
ULL master's students who wish to undertake an Erasmus mobility must do so mainly through Erasmus Internships, and you can choose from three modalities:
EXPLANATORY NOTE: The preferred and recommended option for master's students is Erasmus Internships, not Erasmus Studies. We remind you that this last option can only be requested for master's degrees lasting two years and always with the approval of the Academic Committee, which is the one that approves the recognition of credits at the end of the mobility.
The mobility application must be made when the Erasmus pre-selection calls organised annually by the University of La Laguna are officially published. The necessary documents must be submitted through the Electronic Office, with the supervision of the International Mobility Coordination if necessary.
Once the application has been accepted, students must contact the International Mobility Coordination ( to formalize the Learning Contract. The procedures for the grant and other administrative details of the transfer will be carried out with the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation.
These are the options provided within the Erasmus programme to welcome postgraduate students from the European Union interested in doing a master's mobility:
IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION: Erasmus Internship is the only possible option that is contemplated for Those who want to come to the University of La Laguna to do their Master's Thesis. It is not possible to undertake mobility through Erasmus Studies for this purpose, since it is not permitted to enrol in the subject “Master's Final Project”.
Who can apply for an Erasmus Internship?
Students of Spanish nationality enrolled at the ULL during the academic year in which the application is submitted or those who are listed as recent graduates in the following academic year.
How long are Erasmus internships funded for?
A maximum of 3 months of scholarship is funded, which includes monthly individual assistance and travel expenses. The mobility must last a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12, but it is important to note that Only 3 months are financed.
If previous mobilities have been carried out, the total sum of the mobilities (Studies + Internships) cannot exceed 12 months. by cycle of studies (Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate). For EDEP students, therefore, the mobility they have done in the Degree would not count.
Where can I do an Erasmus Internship?
In any company, institution, NGO or centre in any country participating in the Erasmus+ programme.
How to choose a destination?
Students must find the host company or institution where they will do their internship on their own. In the case of universities, there does not have to be a prior bilateral agreement, as is the case for Erasmus Estudio: All that is needed is the commitment of a person who agrees to supervise the student's stay and sign the learning contract..
At EDEP we always recommend the Master's students Consult with the academic management or teaching staff, who can suggest suitable destinations to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the degree.
What types of Erasmus Internships are available?
1.- CURRICULAR PRACTICES. Students must be enrolled in the External Internship course. In order for the internship period abroad to be recognised in this way, the specific requirements for this type of subject in each degree must also be met. Each academic department will impose the requirements and restrictions it deems appropriate in order to approve the recognition of credits once the mobility has been completed.
At EDEP this option can be considered Only for Master's degrees that last two courses academics.
2.- RECENTLY GRADUATED. Mobility can be carried out within 12 months of the closing of the academic record, taking into account that the application must be submitted in the last year of the degree being studied.
In the EDEP this option is contemplated especially for Master's degrees that last one year academic.
3.- VOLUNTARY INTERNSHIPS. They can be requested by students who are enrolled at ULL but do not wish to opt for recognition of credits for the External Internship subject.
At EDEP this is the option that is contemplated specifically for PhD studentsHowever, Master's students can also apply for it.
Is it mandatory to prove the language level?
YEAH. Students must agree with the host institution on the language in which they will carry out their internship, as well as the level required within the CEFR; this level must be accredited by means of an official certificate from the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Cooperation before undertaking the mobility.
Is the Erasmus scholarship compatible with other scholarships or grants?
YEAH, The Erasmus scholarship is compatible with the MEC scholarship, with the Canary Islands Government scholarship or with any other aid.
Students may request from other public or private bodies the granting of mobility aids compatible with the European standard, subject to the requirements imposed by each institution (Cabildo, Town Councils, etc.).
Can I receive any kind of compensation from the company/entity where I receive my internship?
YEAH, it is possible, although it does not happen very often.
Address: Avda. Astrophysicist Francisco Sanchez, SN. Calabaza Building 38200 San Cristobal de La Laguna
Phone: (+34) 922 31 82 07
On-line: Web page /Appointment / Procedure for complaints, suggestions and compliments