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Application for Admission to Master's Degrees 2024 2025

First phase of online registration

Second phase of online registration

Step by step application process


  • No will be admitted applications submitted by other ways other than telematics, neither presented out of date
  • It will be the applicant's responsibility to submit the correct documentation within the application period: There will be NO deadlines for correction of the required documentation.
  • Failure to submit the correct documentation within the established period will be grounds for exclusion, with no possibility of correction..
  • Before the deadline for submitting applications, You will have to have paid the registration fee of 10 euros required by the Government of the Canary Islands.
  • See the Pre-registration and Enrollment calendar and write down the key dates.
  • See the places offered in each Phase and Call of the Master's Degree that you wish.
  • See if the Master you want allows Conditional Admission and Enrollment or not. This figure only applies to Spanish or foreign graduates within the European Higher Education Area, EHEA.
  • What is the Conditional Admission? If the Master's degree allows it, you can apply and be admitted conditionally even if you do not have a degree or do not have the required language accreditation. However, at the time of the allocation of places at the end of each call, you must have at most: 9 credits and/or the TFG or only the language accreditation. 
  • What is the Conditional Registration? If you have been conditionally admitted and the time comes for definitive admission and registration, and you still have 9 credits and/or the TFG or only the language accreditation, your status will be Conditionally Registered. You will have to complete the missing requirements before the start of the May session of the following year. If you do not do so, your registration will be cancelled. 
  • In the process of allocating places, Priority will be given to graduates and those with English accreditation. compared to those who do not have it and enter through the conditional admission/enrollment route. 
  • To qualify for Conditional admission and registration must be submitted a Letter of Commitment be in a position to either complete studies before enrolling in the master's degree or meet the conditions for conditional enrollment: have a maximum of 9 credits pending and the TFG or accreditation of the required language level.


  • Check the General and specific requirements of each Master.
  • If you are a foreign applicant from outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) without an approved degree, you will have to obtain prior accreditation from the ULL to be eligible for a Master's degree from ULL
  • Students who meet all the entry requirements and who have been recognised as having a disability of 33% or higher will have 5% of the places reserved. In the case of master's degrees with fewer than 20 places on offer, one place will be reserved.


Are you ….?

  1. Applicant with qualification of access to a master's degree obtained in the ULL
  2. Applicant with qualification of access to a master's degree obtained in Spain, outside the ULL
  3. Applicant with qualification for access to a master's degree issued in the foreign, with homologation credential or certificate of equivalence in Spain*
  4. Applicant with qualification access to master's degree issued in it EHEA, without homologate in Spain, either without certificate of equivalence of the Ministry*
  5. Applicant with qualification access to master's degree issued out of the EHEA, without homologate in Spain, either without certificate of equivalence of the Ministry*
  • In cases 1, 2, 4 and 3 (if you are from the EHEA) you may opt for Conditional Admission and/or RegistrationPlease note that this means that at the time of application you may not have the qualification or language certification. 

  • Be clear about whether you can and/or wish to access Conditional Admission and Enrollment. 

    • Certain master's degrees qualify students for the exercise of regulated professions (see list below), so the qualification obtained abroad (within or outside the EHEA) must be approved by the Ministry at the time of making the pre-registration request. In the case of the Teacher Training Master's degree, access will also be permitted with the Ministry's certificate of equivalence.
    • Master's Degree in Law
    • Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
    • Master's Degree in General Health Psychology
    • Master's Degree in Teacher Training for ESO, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching.


  • To access the internal computer system of the ULL, you need a credential. If you are already a student at the ULL, you will already have it. If you are not, obtain it at the following address: link, following the steps indicated.
  • You can self-register at the following link.


  • This requirement is important, since it is required to access any of the Masters from ULL and may take time. 

    If the Master's degree allows conditional admission and enrolment, this requirement can be submitted before the May session of the following academic year. However, if the Master's degree does not allow conditional admission and enrolment, this requirement must be met at the time of the admissions closing. 

    In any case, you will have to prove it, sooner or later. To do so, follow the steps described in this link.


  • A single application will be completed in which you can select, in strict order of preference, up to a maximum of three master's degrees or specialties.

    • Start by entering your username and password obtained in Step 3
    • Please only enter the application if you are going to complete your pre-registration (be clear about the master's degrees you are applying for and the order of preference), as you are only allowed to enter once. It cannot be changed subsequently the requested masters. 
    • Correctly fill out the final questionnaire on the access qualification (university where the degree was obtained, name of the degree, etc.).
    • If your degree was obtained in the foreign, is It is very important to mark the correct option (with or without approval in Spain, within or outside the EHEA).
    • To complete the pre-registration, you will have to pay a fee of €10 for pre-registration rights. It is mandatory for everyone. You will not be pre-registered if you do not make this payment, and you may be excluded from the admission process.

    START Online registration here  

  • Do not begin Step 6 without successfully completing Step 5: toMake sure you have paid the €10 fee and have your receipt. 
  • Please note that failure to submit the required and mandatory documentation will result in exclusion from the process, with no possibility of correction.
  • It is important to be clear about what type of applicant you are (Step 2). 
  • It is important to see the details of the documentation to be provided in the sections below. 
  • Always mandatory: Make sure you have paid the €10 fee for processing pre-registration for titles official master's degrees (to be deducted from the registration fee if registration is carried out).
  • For ULL students, personal identification (mandatory always), the academic record (mandatory always), the required title (Mandatory if you cannot qualify for a conditional pension) and language accreditation (Mandatory if you cannot qualify for a conditional pension), it is not necessary to attach it, since the system detects it (if it exists) automatically from the ULL database.
  1. Responsible declaration (mandatory always): The document is available as an Annex in the electronic office procedure and it will only be necessary to open it and sign it. 
  2. Curriculum Vitae and any other requirements (recommendation letters, motivation letter, etc.) that are required for the evaluation of a specific Master's degree (It is not mandatory, but it could reduce the scoring and end up being excluded.). See the “Scale” section of each Master in this link.  
  • The merits of the CV must be accompanied by the documents that prove said merits claimed for the scale in a single document in PDF format. 
  • If the CV and/or proof of merits are not provided, these additional merits will not be taken into account in the ranking. 
  • Lack of information required by a master's degree for admission may be grounds for exclusion from the requested master's degree.  
  1. If you can (depending on the Master's degree and whether you are a Spanish or EHEA graduate) and want to opt for Conditional admission and registration must be submitted a Letter of Commitment be in a position to either complete studies before enrolling in the master's degree or meet the conditions for conditional enrollment (Mandatory if you want and can benefit from conditional): have pending, at most, 9 credits, the TFG and accreditation of the required language level. 
  • Provide the required documentation here: 


  • Always mandatory: Make sure you have paid the €10 fee for processing pre-registration for titles official master's degrees (to be deducted from the registration fee if registration is carried out).
  1. Responsible declaration (mandatory always): The document is available as an Annex in the electronic office procedure and it will only be necessary to open it and sign it. 
  2. Personal identification documentation (mandatory always): DNI, NIE, or failing that, a valid passport and both sides.
  • If you obtain a place and enroll, your passport must be replaced by your DNI or NIE by the maximum date determined as the deadline for submitting the enrollment documentation.
  1. Personal academic certificate of the degree which gives you access to the master's degree (mandatory always) with average grade on a scale of 10.
  • IMPORTANT: The Academic Certificate must be a real certificate (Extracts from the file are not valid). They must All pages of the certificate must be provided and must contain valid signatures. If the certificate does not indicate the average grade based on ten (10), the academic committee will generally consider the average grade of the record to be five (5) on a scale of 0 to 10.
  1. Official university degree that gives you access to the requested master's degree (Mandatory if you cannot qualify for a conditional pension). Valid documents:
  • Official university degree obtained in Spain (scanned by on both sides), or;
  • Receipt of title processing together with proof of payment of fees processing.
  1. Language certificate (Mandatory if you cannot qualify for a conditional pension). Dand being able and wanting to opt for conditional admission and registration, you do not have to submit it at the time of the application. Otherwise, it is mandatory to submit it during the application process. Follow the procedures in this case. link. 
  2. Curriculum Vitae and any other requirements (recommendation letters, motivation letter, etc.) that are required for the evaluation of a specific Master's degree (It is not mandatory, but it could reduce the scoring and end up being excluded.). See the “Scale” section of each Master in this link.
  • The merits of the CV must be accompanied by the documents that prove said merits claimed for the scale in a single document in PDF format. 
  • If the CV and/or proof of merits are not provided, these additional merits will not be taken into account in the ranking. 
  • Lack of information required by a master's degree for admission may be grounds for exclusion from the requested master's degree.  
  1. If you can (depending on the Master's degree and whether you are a Spanish or EHEA graduate) and want to opt for Conditional admission and registration must be submitted a Letter of Commitment be in a position to either complete studies before enrolling in the master's degree or meet the conditions for conditional enrollment (Mandatory if you want and can benefit from conditional): have pending, at most, 9 credits, the TFG and accreditation of the required language level. 
  • PROVIDE the required documentation here.


  • Always mandatory: Make sure you have paid the €10 fee for processing pre-registration for titles official master's degrees (to be deducted from the registration fee if registration is carried out).
  1. Responsible declaration (mandatory always): The document is available as an Annex in the electronic office procedure and it will only be necessary to open it and sign it. 
  2. Personal identification documentation (mandatory always): DNI, NIE, or failing that, a valid passport and both sides.
  • If you obtain a place and enroll, your passport must be replaced by your DNI or NIE by the maximum date determined as the deadline for submitting the enrollment documentation.
  1. Homologation credential or equivalency certificate a degree and official university academic level issued by the Ministry ((mandatory if you enter via this route).
  2. Personal academic certificate of the degree which gives you access to the master's degree (applicants with a degree obtained within the EHEA must provide the European Diploma Supplement) (mandatory always)
  • IMPORTANT: The Academic Certificate must be a real certificate (Extracts from the file are not valid). They must All pages of the certificate must be provided and must contain valid signatures. 
  • Applicants with a foreign degree whose grading system does not coincide with the Spanish one (base 10) must provide, along with the personal academic certificate, the “Declaration of equivalence of grade point average of university studies carried out in foreign centers”, for which they must complete the form available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. If they do not submit it correctly, the average of the record may be considered a five (5) on a scale of 0 to 10.
  • If the certificate is issued in a language that is NOT Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian, the following must also be provided: official translation** along with the certificate. 
  • Important: The document must be a certificate (“file extracts” are not valid), all pages of the certificate must be provided and it must contain valid signatures. Otherwise, an official translation must NOT be provided. 
  1. Language certificate (Mandatory if you cannot benefit from a conditional system; you can only benefit from it if you are from the EHEA). Dand being able and wanting to opt for conditional admission and registration, you do not have to submit it at the time of the application. Otherwise, it is mandatory to submit it during the application process. Follow the procedures in this case. link.
  2. Curriculum Vitae and any other requirements (recommendation letters, motivation letter, etc.) that are required for the evaluation of a specific Master's degree (It is not mandatory, but it could reduce the scoring and end up being excluded.). See the section on “Scale” of each Master
  • The merits of the CV must be accompanied by the documents that prove said merits claimed for the scale in a single document in PDF format. 
  • If the CV and/or proof of merits are not provided, these additional merits will not be taken into account in the ranking. 
  • Lack of information required by a master's degree for admission may be grounds for exclusion from the requested master's degree.  
  • If you can (depending on the Master's degree and whether you are a Spanish or EHEA graduate) and want to opt for Conditional admission and registration must be submitted a Letter of Commitment be in a position to either complete studies before enrolling in the master's degree or meet the conditions for conditional enrollment (Mandatory if you want and can benefit from a conditional system; you can only do so if you are from the EHEA): have pending, at most, 9 credits, the TFG and accreditation of the required language level. You will find a template of this document here, which you will need to digitally sign and upload.
  • Provide the required documentation here

  • The official translation must be done:
    • By a sworn translator, duly authorized and registered in Spain.
    • By the Language Interpretation Office of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. 
    • By UNESCO, the Office of the Ibero-American Centre for Cooperation or any other organisation recognised in Spain.
    • Through any diplomatic or consular representation of the Spanish State abroad.
    • By the diplomatic or consular representation in Spain of the country of which the applicant is a national or, where appropriate, of the country of origin of the document.


  • Always mandatory: Make sure you have paid the €10 fee for processing pre-registration for titles official master's degrees (to be deducted from the registration fee if registration is carried out).
  1. Responsible declaration (mandatory always): The document is available as an Annex in the electronic office procedure and it will only be necessary to open it and sign it. 
  2. Personal identification documentation (mandatory always): DNI, NIE, or failing that, a valid passport and both sides.
  • If you obtain a place and enroll, your passport must be replaced by your DNI or NIE by the maximum date determined as the deadline for submitting the enrollment documentation.
  1. Personal academic certificate of the degree which gives you access to the master's degree (mandatory always) with average grade on a scale of 10.
  • IMPORTANT: The Academic Certificate must be a real certificate (“Extracts from file” are not valid). They must All pages of the certificate must be provided and must contain valid signatures. You must provide the European Diploma Supplement.
  • If the certificate does not indicate the average grade based on ten (10), the academic committee will generally consider the average grade of the record to be five (5) on a scale of 0 to 10.
  • If the certificate is issued in a language that is NOT Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian, the following must also be provided: official translation** along with the certificate.
  1. Official university degree that gives you access to the requested master's degree obtained in the EHEA (Mandatory if you cannot qualify for a conditional pension). Valid documents:
  • Official university degree obtained in Spain (scanned by on both sides), or;
  • Receipt of title processing together with proof of payment of fees processing.
  1. Language certificate (Mandatory if you cannot qualify for a conditional pension). Dand being able and wanting to opt for conditional admission and registration, you do not have to submit it at the time of the application. Otherwise, it is mandatory to submit it during the application process. Follow the procedures in this case. link.  
  2. Curriculum Vitae and any other requirements (recommendation letters, motivation letter, etc.) that are required for the evaluation of a specific Master's degree (It is not mandatory, but it could reduce the scoring and end up being excluded.). See the section on “Scale” of each Master
  • The merits of the CV must be accompanied by the documents that prove said merits claimed for the scale in a single document in PDF format. 
  • If the CV and/or proof of merits are not provided, these additional merits will not be taken into account in the ranking. 
  • Lack of information required by a master's degree for admission may be grounds for exclusion from the requested master's degree.  
  • If you can (depending on the Master's degree and whether you are a Spanish or EHEA graduate) and want to opt for Conditional admission and registration must be submitted a Letter of Commitment be in a position to either complete studies before enrolling in the master's degree or meet the conditions for conditional enrollment (Mandatory if you want and can benefit from conditional): have pending, at most, 9 credits, the TFG and accreditation of the required language level.
  • PROVIDE the required documentation here

  • The official translation must be done:
    • By a sworn translator, duly authorized and registered in Spain.
    • By the Language Interpretation Office of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. 
    • By UNESCO, the Office of the Ibero-American Centre for Cooperation or any other organisation recognised in Spain.
    • Through any diplomatic or consular representation of the Spanish State abroad.
    • By the diplomatic or consular representation in Spain of the country of which the applicant is a national or, where appropriate, of the country of origin of the document.



  • Always mandatory: Make sure you have paid the €10 fee for processing pre-registration for titles official master's degrees (to be deducted from the registration fee if registration is carried out).
  1. Responsible declaration (mandatory): The document is available as an Annex in the electronic office procedure and it will only be necessary to open it and sign it. 
  2. Personal identification documentation (mandatory): DNI, NIE, or failing that, a valid passport and both sides.
  • If you obtain a place and enroll, your passport must be replaced by your DNI or NIE by the maximum date determined as the deadline for submitting the enrollment documentation.
  1. Personal academic certificate of the degree which gives you access to the master's degree (mandatory) with average grade on a scale of 10.
  • IMPORTANT: The Academic Certificate must be a real certificate (“Extracts from file” are not valid). They must All pages of the certificate must be provided and must contain valid signatures. You must provide the European Diploma Supplement.
  • If the certificate does not indicate the average grade based on ten (10), the academic committee will generally consider the average grade of the record to be five (5) on a scale of 0 to 10.
  1. Applicants with degrees issued in the foreigner outside the EHEA without homologation or without a certificate of equivalence in Spain, will have to request authorization from the ULL for access to postgraduate studies with sufficient notice (at least 3 months) to have the resolution before the deadline for submitting pre-registration applications ends (mandatory)
  • To request authorization you must follow the following steps: procedure.
  • If I get a favorable resolution, You must submit it when attaching documentation in the admission application process., during the permitted periods. 
  1. Language certificate (mandatory). Dand being able and wanting to opt for conditional admission and registration, you do not have to submit it at the time of the application. Otherwise, it is mandatory to submit it during the application process. Follow the procedures in this case. link.
  2. Curriculum Vitae and any other requirements (recommendation letters, motivation letter, etc.) that are required for the evaluation of a specific Master's degree (It is not mandatory, but it could reduce the scoring and end up being excluded.). See the section on “Scale” of each Master
  • The merits of the CV must be accompanied by the documents that prove said merits claimed for the scale in a single document in PDF format. 
  • If the CV and/or proof of merits are not provided, these additional merits will not be taken into account in the ranking. 
  • Lack of information required by a master's degree for admission may be grounds for exclusion from the requested master's degree.  
  • PROVIDE the required documentation here




  •  C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Central Building. 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C of Tenerife
  •  (+34) 922 31 96 20
  • Whatsapp – Telegram: (+34) 692 62 26 33
  •  09:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Mon-Fri



  •  C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Central Building. 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C of Tenerife
  •  (+34) 900 43 25 26
  •  09:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Mon-Fri

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