Master's Degree in Teacher Training for ESO and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching

Teaching coordination

The degree has the necessary coordination structures at its different levels to ensure that it is organized and developed appropriately. Thus, to articulate horizontal and vertical coordination at the degree level, there are:

  • Academic Director
  • Academic Commission
  • Standing Committee
  • Course Commission
  • Subject Coordinator, which can be consulted in the teaching guide corresponding.

The aforementioned structures have operating mechanisms through regular meetings to analyse the development of the degree at its different levels (degree, course and subject).

Horizontal and vertical coordination ensures, among other things: the appropriate sequencing and time planning of subjects, their content and assessment system; gaps, duplications and mismatches are avoided; and the student workload is adequately distributed to facilitate the acquisition of learning outcomes.

Management team

Academic Director
Carmen de los Angeles Perdomo Lopez
Academic Deputy Director
Miriam Catalina González Afonso

Academic committee

Teaching Economics, Business and Tourism
Francisco Flores Munoz
Teaching Biology and Geology
Ramon Casillas Ruiz
Teaching Mathematics
Alicia Bruno Castaneda
Teaching of Humanities (Geography, History and Philosophy)
Jose A. Jose Farrujia de la Rosa
Teaching of Language and Literature (Spanish, Latin and Greek)
Ruben Dominguez Quintana
Teaching English
Juana Herrera Cubas
Teaching Drawing, Design and Plastic Arts
Ana Marques Ibanez
Teaching Physics and Chemistry
Jorge Pasan Garcia
Teaching of Professional Modules (Computer Science, Communication and Health Processes)
Milena Trenta
Teaching Other Foreign Languages (French, German and/or Italian)
Christian Gregorio Diaz Rodriguez
Music Teaching
Paula Hernandez Dionis
Teaching Technology
Ignacio Ruigómez Sempere - (
Teaching of Educational Guidance
Elena Conde Miranda
Generic Module
Olegaria del Pino Cuesta Ojeda
Representative of the Department of Specific Didactics
Sergio Francisco Deniz
Representative of the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology
Luis Alberto Garcia Garcia
Representative of the Department of Didactics and Educational Research
Juan Jose Sosa Alonso
Representative of the Faculty of Education
Francisco Jimenez Jimenez
Teaching Physical Education
Abraham Garcia Fariña