Master's Degree in Teacher Training for ESO and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching

Recognition and transfer of credits

The Recognition of Credits implies the acceptance by the University of the credits obtained, taking into account what is established in the Verification/Modification Report of the Degree and the provisions of the applicable regulations, that is, Regulations on Recognition, Adaptation and Transfer of Credits from the University of La Laguna (modified at the Governing Council meeting of 19 March 2021), through:

  • Official University Education
  • Own Titles
  • Accreditation of Work and Professional Experience
  • Participation in National and International Mobility Programs

The credits corresponding to the Master's Final Project subjects may not be subject to recognition (Art. 6.2 of the RD 1393/2007 of the organization of official university education).

Information on recognition, adaptation and transfer of credits is available on the ULL institutional website.