Justification of the title
Previous experiences of the university in teaching degrees with similar characteristics.
Although the proposed degree is new at the ULL, both in master's and master's format,
Higher engineering, since the 2002/03 academic year the ETSICI has been offering the title of Industrial Technical Engineer, Specialising in Mechanics, and since the 2001/2002 academic year the title of Industrial Technical Engineer, Specialising in Industrial Electronics. These titles have been adapted to the EHEA in the 2010-2011 academic year, when the corresponding degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering have been implemented. In addition, the Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering, newly created at the ULL, has also been launched. These titles enable the candidate to practice the profession of Industrial Technical Engineer and will be the degrees that will mainly feed into the Master's degree in Industrial Engineering. In addition, the ULL has taught (they will be discontinued in the 2013/14 academic year) the second cycle degree in Automation in Industrial Electronics and Automation, as well as the masters in Electronics Engineering and Chemical Engineering, which are reconverted into separate specialties within the proposed master's degree (see section 5.1 et seq.). The conversion of these degrees into the Industrial Engineering master's degree is justified by the fact that this master's degree grants the Industrial Engineering qualifications, and is therefore more attractive to students (as can be seen in the rest of this section), and has a greater demand and a much higher employability forecast, apart from the also very relevant fact that, in accordance with the new wording given to art. 81.3 b) of the LOMLOU by section 5.2 of art. 6 of RD Law 14/2012, the public prices of this master's degree will be lower than those of the masters without qualifications. In addition, it allows the merger of several existing master's degrees into a single master's degree with responsibilities, optimising teaching resources, both human and material.
More information in the following link.