Support and guidance
The support and guidance provided to students once they have enrolled in the degree are in accordance with the provisions of section 4.3 of the Degree Verification Report and have been developed since the Master's was implemented. Support and guidance actions for students are mainly focused on:
- Reception, in order to guarantee the integration and orientation of the student in the degree.
- Guidance during the university stage, through which the difficulties that students face are identified, transferring them to the Academic Committee of the Master's Degree and/or the Quality Committee of the Center for analysis; advising the student on their curricular itinerary in order to make decisions regarding academic training alternatives and supporting and guiding the student in their comprehensive training process.
- Guidance on the professional opportunities of the master's degree for entering the labour market.
Through the different levels of teaching coordination (Academic Director, Subject Coordinator, Master's Final Project Tutor, External Internship Tutor, etc.) a direct and continuous relationship is maintained with the students, which allows the detection and diagnosis of causes of difficulties in academic performance and learning processes, and allows their scope and effectiveness to be assessed, transferring them to the Academic Committee, where appropriate.
In addition to the existing structures at the centre level, the ULL has an Information and Orientation Service (SIO) aimed at informing, advising and guiding future students and the university community in general. The SIO has three different areas: an information area (grants and grants, university training proposals, procedures, rights and responsibilities, deadlines and procedures, etc.), a Psychopedagogical Advisory Service and a Legal Advisory Service. The SIO can be accessed by clicking on the following link: SIO.