Computer Engineering

Master's Thesis

The Master's Final Project (TFM) subject is compulsory and is key to the degree, since it includes the evaluation of a large number of specific and generic skills of the degree, as can be seen in the Teaching Guide corresponding.

The Master's Final Project (TFM) involves the completion, presentation and defense of an original exercise carried out individually before a university tribunal, consisting of a comprehensive Computer Engineering project in which the skills acquired in the teachings are synthesized.

Through the template, form and/or report for the evaluation of learning outcomes, the tribunals in charge of evaluating the TFM assess the scope of the acquisition of the degree's competencies and learning outcomes.

General requirements for the completion of the TFM

In order to complete the Master's Final Project, students must meet the following general requirements:

  • Any academic requirement established by the degree in its Verification/Modification Report and in the teaching guide for the subject.

To ensure that the TFM is adapted to the characteristics of the Degree, students have the guidance and direction of their work through one or two tutors assigned from among the list of tutors and proposed topics, of which at least one will belong to the teaching staff of the University of La Laguna who teach in the Master's Degree and who will act as main tutor if the second tutor is staff external to the University of La Laguna.

The Academic Committee of the Master's Degree will approve a list of the topics that students may request to carry out their TFM, their tutors, the assignment criteria, the composition of the evaluation committee, which, if applicable, will judge the corresponding TFM and some basic rules of style, length and structure that the TFM report must have. The number of works proposed for the TFM must be at least equal to the number of places offered in the master's degree.

In order to improve the development of the subject and facilitate the preparation of the TFM Report and its public defense, specific criteria are established that can be consulted in the Teaching Guide of the Subject, in the TFM regulations and instructions published for this purpose. More information.

The Master's Thesis will conclude with the defence of the thesis, which must be public. The tribunals will be made up of professors who teach in this field, appointing a president and a secretary among themselves.

Attached to the Assignment