Psychopedagogical Intervention in Formal and Non-Formal Education Contexts

Support and guidance

The support and guidance provided to students once they have enrolled in the degree are in accordance with the provisions of section 4.3 of the Degree Verification Report and have been developed since the implementation of the master's degree. The support and guidance actions for students are mainly focused on:

  • Welcome seminar for students: at the beginning of each academic year, students are given an explanation of general aspects of the Master's degree (programme, external internships and final Master's projects, exams, calls, etc.), how the Faculty's Services work (library, computer room, etc.), as well as issues relating to the Tutorial Action Plan, the Faculty's Student Orientation and Information Service, etc.
  • Student guidance and tutoring activities: the Faculty where the degree is taught has implemented, for several years, a student guidance model, structured in three fundamental levels of intervention:
    • Classroom Level: This is carried out through academic tutoring by each teacher in the field of their subject, supporting the students through supervised monitoring to achieve the academic objectives and specific skills established in the teaching guides. The tutoring will complement the training in theoretical and practical classes, and will provide the student with the necessary tools to advance in their training. Virtual resources, especially virtual classrooms and the moddle platform, are of great importance in this process.
    • Degree Level: through the development of a career tutoring plan. Students are assigned a tutor who will help them adapt academically, guide them on the resources available for learning and offer them support in making decisions about their academic itinerary and their professional project.
    • Faculty level: through the work of information, guidance and complementary training carried out by the Student Guidance and Information Service of the Faculty of Education (SOIA). This is a specific Service of the Faculty of Education and is developed through a mentoring model (it involves student collaborators/mentors from the different degrees of the Faculty who advise their fellow students in their degree).

Through the different levels of teaching tutoring-coordination (Academic Director, Subject Coordinator, Master's Final Project Tutor, External Internship Tutor, etc.) a direct and continuous relationship is maintained with the students, which allows the detection and diagnosis of causes of difficulties in academic performance and learning processes, and allows their scope and effectiveness to be assessed, transferring them to the Academic Committee, where appropriate.

In addition to the existing structures at the centre level, the ULL has an Information and Orientation Service (SIO) aimed at informing, advising and guiding future students and the university community in general. The SIO has three different areas: an information area (scholarships and grants, university training proposals, procedures, rights and duties, deadlines and procedures, etc.), a Psychopedagogical Advisory Service and a Legal Advisory Service. The SIO can be accessed through the following link: link.