Justification of the title
The Master's Degree in Psychopedagogical Intervention in Formal and Non-Formal Education Contexts offers training aimed at academic and professional specialization. The justification for this degree is determined by the need to specialize professionals who develop a psychopedagogical action of a preventive and formative nature (not clinical) in the different services and programs that are being developed in the contexts of formal and non-formal education, supporting and advising institutions and the various groups of students, parents and teachers in achieving their goals. Specifically, it is about training education professionals competent in the psychopedagogical field to intervene in educational and professional guidance, in attention to diversity and specific educational needs, in advice on teaching and learning processes and their difficulties, prevention of school failure, advice to parents in educational work, etc. In addition, this Master's degree provides in-depth knowledge regarding the planning and management of psychopedagogical services, models of psychopedagogical guidance and assessment, and critical analysis of psychopedagogical intervention practices designed to improve teaching and learning processes.
We consider that the title name corresponds to the proposal of this official Master's degree, as it proposes advanced psychopedagogical training for intervention in formal and non-formal educational contexts. The term psychopedagogical refers to an interdisciplinary content that is related to certain areas of intervention in education. Psychopedagogy is not the sum of Psychology plus Pedagogy (just as Biochemistry is not the sum of Biology and Chemistry), but rather a knowledge that defines a preventive, collaborative, formative, inclusive and guiding approach to action from which the demands and needs of educational institutions are met.
Psychopedagogical Intervention is a resource provided to the educational institution as a whole and to its various subsystems, with the aim of preventing possible dysfunctions or difficulties and to correct or compensate those that have arisen. It refers to the approach that the Guidance and Psychopedagogy Teams carry out in the different contexts of formal and non-formal education, to support and advise institutions in achieving their objectives. The profile of the "psychopedagogue" is relevant for both formal and non-formal educational contexts:
- The LOE recognises the importance of Psychopedagogical Intervention in educational centres: “Students have the right to “receive educational and professional guidance”; “Parents have the right “to be heard in decisions that affect the academic and professional guidance of their children”; “Instructions are given to the “Educational Administrations to promote the necessary measures so that the personal tutoring of students and educational, psychopedagogical and professional guidance constitute a fundamental element in the organisation of this stage”.
- It is also important to highlight the importance of the professional profile of the Psychopedagogue in the field of non-formal education to cover certain positions related to Occupational Guidance and Training and Continuing Education. Thus, special mention should be made of RD 1646/1997 (BOE of 14/11/1997), which defines the Professional Certificate of the Occupation of occupational trainer.
There are several reasons that justify the approval of this advanced training Master's degree aimed at professional specialization. Based on its nature, we have grouped them into professional and academic reasons.
More information in the following link.