CFP Vulnerable Times: Exposure and Agency in Canadian Literature

sábado 06 de febrero de 2021 - 02:51 GMT+0000

This special issue calls for articles that investigate the relation between vulnerability and agency in Canadian literature. We specifically encourage original research on Canadian texts that inhabit Hirsch’s vulnerable times, positing the creative possibilities of a notion of vulnerability across diverse temporalities and in its connection with resistance and agency.

All submissions should follow the SAGE Harvard Reference Style (link below) and the general style guide (link below). Articles should be between 6000 and 7000 words, including endnotes and works cited.
Submissions should be sent by email as an attached word file to the guest editor Eva Darias-Beautell ( All articles will go through the journal’s peer review process.

For more details and the full CFP continue reading below:

Style Guide

SAGE Harvard Referencing
