The Presence of Epistolary Material in the Work of Robert Pinget: Incompletion and Disappearance of the Letter in Le Fiston and Lettre morte

  • Lourdes Monterrubio Ibáñez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: New Novel, Theatre of the absurd, Letter, Subjectivity, Text analysis


The present article aims to analyse the presence of the epistolary material in the work of Robert Pinget. Essential author of the French New Novel, the writer instrumented the letter device in favor of the rupture practices of this literary renewal, in order to convey the expression of subjectivity. In the field of theatrical experimentation, Pinget converts the epistolary absence into a tool for a new theatre of the voice. The analysis of the narrative-theatrical diptych Le Fiston and Lettre morte (1959) will allow us to show how the letter is made problematic to become an unrealizable experience, both complicating the literary enunciation and destroying the classical theatrical representation


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How to Cite
Monterrubio Ibáñez, Lourdes. 2018. “The Presence of Epistolary Material in the Work of Robert Pinget: Incompletion and Disappearance of the Letter in Le Fiston and Lettre Morte”. Çédille, Journal of French Studies, no. 14 (April), 347-76.