Current Issue

No 33 (2025)

Articles and reviews corresponding to issue 33 (2025) of Cuadernos del Cemyr.

Themed issue: The Participation of small and medium-sized Agents in the Fiscal Business in the Hispanic Kingdoms at the end of the Middle Ages.

Published: 2025-02-25


Book Reviews

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Cuadernos del CEMYR is an academic journal, yearly and subject to a double-blind peer, edited by the Medieval and Renaissance Studies University Institute (Spanish acronym, IEMYR) at the Universidad de La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain). It is an interdisciplinary journal of diverse disciplines related to Medieval and Renaissance Studies (History, History of the Art, Archeology, Literature, Linguistics, Philosophy, etc.).

The journal is organised into three sections: the Themed issue section, Articles and Reviews.

Articles can be submitted in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.