Current Issue

Tourism, one of the most important economic activities in the contemporary world, has been promoted as a driver of development that fosters job creation, cultural integration, and the expansion of local economies. However, beneath this façade of progress and growth, structures persist that reproduce and deepen historical and contemporary inequalities. Among these, gender disparities stand out as one of the main challenges faced by this globalized industry. This monograph, Feminist Analyses of Tourism: Thoughts from the South, aims to examine these dynamics from a critical, feminist, and intersectional perspective.
Full Issue
Clepsydra is a blind peer-reviewed on-line journal published twice a year (March and November) in agreement with the open code publication programme for journal management, Open Journal System Hosted by the Instituto Universitario de Estudios de las Mujeres at the Universidad de La Laguna (Canaries, Spain), it invites contributions of articles in Gender, Feminist and Women Studies from diverse perspectives and disciplines. The journal is indexed in the following databases: Dialnet, Latindex, ERIHPLUS, CINDOC, DICE, MIAR, CNEAI, RESH, WorldCat, Dulcinea and Sherpa/Romeo. Please note that the corresponding and all submitting authors MUST register with Clepsydra before submitting an article ( and conform to the journal guidelines as therein set forth. You must be logged in to your personal Clepsydra Account to submit an article. Contributors should likewise send a separate document containing filiation and personal data plus the title of their proposal and a note stating her/his contribution is original and is only being considered for publication by Clepsydra. Authors may republish their own material, provided such republication provides due acknowledgment. For further inquiries, please contact us at
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