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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The work submitted has not been previously published nor is currently being considered by any other journal.
  • The work conforms the requirements stated in the summarized Author guidelines/a, included in the "for authors" information.
  • The work conforms the recommended word number of the section for which it is being submitted.
  • In-text references and final reference list follow the "author-date Chicago manual style".
  • Name and affiliation do not appear in the text submitted in order to safe-guard the double-blind peer review policy.
  • The file submitted is an OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Microsoft Word o RTF document.

Author Guidelines

RCEI invites contributions of articles in such fields as linguistics, literature, critical theory, history, and culture in English studies. Manuscript submissions, should generally conform to the guidelines found in the latest Author-Date Chicago Style Manual. See each section for recommended word number.

1. Please format your work as a Word document with 2,5 cm margins on all sides. 12pt Times-Roman font is required for the body of the article and 10pt Times New Roman for notes and indented quotes. Use single space throughout the entire text of your paper. Indent the first line of each paragraph one inch or use the “Tab” key. Do not add extra returns after or before paragraphs and do not use hyphens to divide words at the end of the line.

2. Writers should avoid the use of bold and underlining. Italics should be restricted to bibliographic reference requirements, with the exception of the names of works of art, terms from other languages than English in the body of the text and other cases where the use of inverted commas would not be adequate for emphasis.

3. The title of the article will appear in first position, capitalized and centered. In order to ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review, do not include name and affiliation.

4. Separated by three returns ("enter/intro key") should appear the word Abstract, left-aligned and in small capitals.  Add double space and the text of the abstract, between 150-200 words. Add double space and include, left-aligned, the Key words. Add three returns and follow the same pattern for the Spanish Resumen and Palabras clave. Any acknowledgments must appear as an initial, unnumbered footnote marqued with * immediately after the title. Other footnotes, numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript should appear after the punctuation mark. Digressive or excessively lengthy footnotes should be avoided.

 Key words are compulsory for subbmissions to be included in the monography or miscellany sections. Key words have to be inserted one by one, separated by a return ("enter/intro key").

5. Number the sections of the article with Arabic numbers and a period. Enter a space, and type the section heading. When using multiple levels of subheadings, follow the structure of the example below (capitals centered; left aligned: small capitals, italics, rounded typeface):




5.2.1. Cognitive adequacy Pattern and process in FDG

6. The whole text should be fully justified without breaking lines with hyphens. For long URLs, break lines only at slashes, /.

7. Illustrations, figures and graphs will be included in the electronic document. Should the article be accepted, these might be moved from the initial position proposed, authors are advised to make clear reference to the number of the figure, illustration or graph in the text. Illustrations should be in "jpg" format. Authors are expected to have obtained any required permission for publication when necessary.

8. Short quotations (less than three lines) should be enclosed within double quotation marks, (""). Long quotations should be placed in a free-standing block of text and omitting quotation marks. Start the quotation on a new line after a double space, with the entire quote indented 2.5 cm. from the left margin. For both types of quotations always provide the author, year and specific page citation (Chicago style), placing the parenthetical reference of long quotations after the punctuation mark. Use square brackets and elision, […], to indicate any omission of words within a quotation.

9. The final reference list should follow Author-Date Chicago Style Manual guidelines, using small capitals for author’s surnames and rounded typeface for first names. For electronic sources provide date of publication (if available) and date of access. Author/editor (if applicable) should appear using small capitals for surnames and rounded typeface for first names.  RCEI requires the inclusion of full URL/electronic address information.       

10. To safe-guard the double-blind peer review policy, contributors should send a separate document with name, affiliation and stating specifically his/her manuscript is only being considered for publication by RCEI.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mails included in this journal will be exclusively used for its internal purposes and will not be transferred to third parties.