Contemporary Challenges in Chicanx/Latinx Literature & Culture

  • Francisco A. Lomel`´í, Dr University of California Santa Barbara
  • Sophia Emmanouilidou, Dr Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Juan Ignacio Oliva, Dr Universidad de La Laguna/GIECO-Franklin-UAH/Ratnakara
Keywords: Chicanx/Latinx Literature & Cultur, Innovative Perspectives, State of the Question, Redefining Artistic Normativity


This introductory paper traces a general perspective of the nowadays Chicanx/Latinx state of the question, including articles, notes, creative poems and drawings, and a tribute in memoriam Rudolfo A. Anaya (1937-2020). Challenging canons, norms and genres seems to be particularly appropriate when tackling ideology from the polychromatic gaze of transcultural minorities in the US. As such, Chicanx/Latinx literary and artistic expressions act as catalysts of renovation and change, not only in terms of content but also playing with forms in a freer, experimental way. Transgressing what is considered “normal” seems to be the only way to cope with fringes and frames, and thus a contemporary redefinition of the world is reached to highlight the “real” truth of artistic normativity.


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How to Cite
Lomel`´íFrancisco A., Sophia Emmanouilidou, and Juan Oliva. 2021. “Contemporary Challenges in Chicanx/Latinx Literature & Culture”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 81 (July), 13-24.