Materia Agens, Materia Loquens: Ecocriticism and the Narrative Agency of Matter

  • Serenella Iovino, Dr Universitá di Torino
Keywords: Ecocriticism, Material Turn, Narrative Agency, Actant Bodies


Inspired by the theoretical debates about distributed fields of agency and of meaning, the so-called “material turn” sheds its effects also on ecocriticism. Its main conceptual tenet, the agency of matter, has in fact vast implications on the ideas of narrativity and text. If matter is agentic, and endowed with meanings, every material configuration, from bodies to their contexts of living, is “telling,” and therefore can be the object of a critical analysis aimed at discovering its stories, its material and discursive interplays, its place in a “choreography of becoming.” In this article I will explore this new dimension of ecocriticism looking at the example of some meaningful narratives about the intermingling of living bodies, social forms, and what, following Bruno Latour, we can call “actants”: “things” or assemblages of things that, in various forms and patterns, interact and interfere with human life, interlacing with the emerging meanings and agencies. In particular, I will concentrate on visual media and literary “embodied” narratives that show how the “material self” is a crossroads of multiple agencies.


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How to Cite
Iovino, Serenella. 2021. “Materia Agens, Materia Loquens: Ecocriticism and the Narrative Agency of Matter”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 77 (July), 11-25.