Allegorizing and Moralizing Zoology in Aldhelm's Enigmata

  • Mercedes Salvador-Bello, Dr Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Aldhelm, riddles, enigmata, riddle pairs, medieval zoology, Christian allegory, moralization


The collection of riddles composed by Aldhelm constitutes an important source of traditional zoological lore. This paper intends to look at a selection of these Enigmata in order to provide an insight into the ways zoology was grasped by this author and his medieval audience. The analysis will show that these riddles transcend the limits of simple zoological description, since they establish subtle allegorical layers of meaning that were surely perceived and much appreciated by readers. From Aldhelm’s perspective, animals could illustrate positive or negative examples of conduct for human beings, thus opening a wide range of possibilities for moral instruction. This paper therefore intends to focus on the engaging allegorical components of some of Aldhelm’s zoological riddles.


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How to Cite
Salvador-Bello, Mercedes. 2021. “Allegorizing and Moralizing Zoology in Aldhelm’s Enigmata”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 68 (July), 209-18.