Indiannes, Hindu Nationalism and Authenticity: United Forward Women, Capable India

  • Antonia Navarro, Dr Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Women Movements in India, Indian Identity Problematized, Historical Overview


This paper examines how Hindutva is currently hijacking the heterogeneous notion of Indianness,  and reducing it to a very simplistic and radical entity, always viewed through the lens of its own radical ideology. In that sense, the women’s movement has been manipulated by those guards of tradition and authenticity. In order to prove that the women’s movement in India has a long and rich history, an overview of those women who rebel against their prescribed gender role as well as an analysis of current Feminism in India are offered.


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How to Cite
Navarro, Antonia. 2021. “Indiannes, Hindu Nationalism and Authenticity: United Forward Women, Capable India”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 70 (July), 67-88.