Meditations of Genre in Salman Rushdie's Joseph Anton

  • Celia Wallhead, Dr Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Salman Rushdie, Joseph Anton: A Memoir, Genre, Life Writing, Novel


In Salman Rushdie’s book Joseph Anton: A Memoir (2012), the narrator alternates between first-person and third-person and leaps from the present back to his childhood. He combines the sub-genres of life writing with a novelised account, stressing the concept of story. In the former, we study the implications of “memoir,” the possibility of defining the work as an example of J M Coetzee’s “autre-biography” or autobiography “against itself” à la Barthes. Through the contribution of the latter aspect, read as a literary novel and also a detective story, Rushdie has created a work in which all these apparently defining factors are present and which can therefore only be described as generically “hybrid. 


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How to Cite
Wallhead, Celia. 2021. “Meditations of Genre in Salman Rushdie’s Joseph Anton”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 70 (July), 89-104.