Public Concern, Public Policy and PSI: The Public Dimension of Language Interpreting

  • Sofía García-Beyaert Arcos Institute, Seattle WA, USA
Keywords: Community Interpreting, Public Service Interpreting, Communication Rights, Institutionalization, Public Policy


PSI is a unique form of interpreting because it addresses a matter of public concern. After exploring what constitutes a matter “of public concern” and looking at arguments for government intervention, this article draws on theoretical frameworks from the academic field of public policy analysis to consider how an issue enters the public policy cycle. As a result, agenda-setting is identified as the first point of intervention in institutionalizing professional PSI. Further, it is argued that de-emphasizing language difference and focusing on communication rights is an effective strategy for framing PSI as a matter of public concern.


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How to Cite
García-Beyaert, Sofía. 2017. “Public Concern, Public Policy and PSI: The Public Dimension of Language Interpreting”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 75 (November), 15-29.