“What lies beneath”: Forty years later the first critical appraisal of james asher’s TPR experiments.

  • Elaine Hewitt Universidad de Granada
Keywords: TPR activities (Total Physical Response), experiments, original critical analysis, statistics, pre-tests, post-tests, research design


The findings of the thorough analysis reported here, clearly show the importance of initiating a critical debate into James Asher’s experiments with TPR (Total Physical Response). The reason for this is that many of the aspects of TPR that have been taken for granted these last forty years do not now seem to be all that we thought they were. The experiments that Asher claimed to prove the viability of TPR may not be as reliable as we had assumed. Moreover, this article helps to explain what should now be done in order to move this research and teaching area forward. Further experiments into TPR need to be undertaken with the aim of righting the oversights committed, as well as making TPR more efficient. For certain, it will be the beginning of more dialogue on this issue.


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