Metacognitive Strategies Based Instruction to Support Learner Autonomy in Language Learning

Keywords: Metacognition, metacognitive strategies, learner autonomy, language learning


This paper will discuss the nature of learner autonomy and its positive influence on learning outcomes. The first part presents an account of language learning theories and their corresponding effects on curriculum design and teaching methods with special reference to metacognition and learner autonomy. The key elements leading to metacognition, self-awarenes, and meta-self-awareness will be analysed. The pedagogical application by means of the use of metacognitive learning strategies and metacognitive strategies based instruction in order to foster autonomous learning in schools will be proposed, and a specific model for metacognitive strategies based instruction to promote learner autonomy in classrooms will be presented.


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How to Cite
García Magaldi, Lucía. 2022. “Metacognitive Strategies Based Instruction to Support Learner Autonomy in Language Learning”. Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses, no. 61 (August), 73-86.